Atheism – King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul! Missionary Evangelist Daniel King is dedicated to telling people about Jesus. Discover what God is doing around the world. Wed, 17 Nov 2021 01:25:55 +0000 en hourly 1 Atheism – King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul! 32 32 196138601 Roland Bartl | Spreading the Love of God Fri, 12 Nov 2021 21:57:25 +0000 Roland Bartl is a missionary from Germany who has ministered in more than forty nations. He has spent a lot of time in China and Malaysia. He has a heart from bringing Jesus to the world. You will be inspired as you listen to his story today. Facebook: YouTube: Transcript:   Evangelism Coach Daniel […]

The post Roland Bartl | Spreading the Love of God appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.

Roland Bartl is a missionary from Germany who has ministered in more than forty nations. He has spent a lot of time in China and Malaysia. He has a heart from bringing Jesus to the world. You will be inspired as you listen to his story today.




Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Roland Bartl is a missionary from Germany who has ministered in more than 40 nations. He spent a lot of time in Malaysia and China. He has a heart for bringing Jesus to the world. You will be inspired as you listen to his story today.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:18):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:53):
Welcome to the evangelism podcast. I’m Daniel King, and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a special guest with me with Roland Bartelle. He is a missionary from the nation of Germany. He has spent lots of time in Malaysia, in China, and in many other parts of the world. Roland, thank you for being with me on the evangelism podcast.

Roland Bartl (01:16):
Yeah. Thank you very much also. It’s nice to be here. Nice to tell you more about Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:21):
Wonderful. Well, tell me, how did you get saved? Share with me a little bit about your testimony,

Roland Bartl (01:29):
How I got saved. Yeah, it’s actually a longer story. I need to cut it short. I S I was actually, you know, I’m born in Germany. I grew up in Germany and I was as a young boy, I was always wondering about what’s life all about because what I saw in his life, even as a, as a boy, people just get born and work very hard and build up a house or pay off a car. And finally, they go to the tomb. So I was thinking that’s all. And I was thinking, does something wrong here? It cannot be all. So, and I had always a feeling as a young boy, like feeling my stomach there, there is something like a God. There is another world out there because this this, this short life on earth, it cannot, it can never be YVR here.

Roland Bartl (02:29):
And I was the only one in my family who had his feelings and the thoughts, and nobody actually could understand me. So when I was 16 years old, I started finally to, to look for this other world, I started to look for, for what what we call God. And I finally, I started to study all the world’s religions. I started at a Buddhism, the Hinduism, the Muslims, and a bit of Christianity, and I was just comparing what they believe. And I found it very interesting. So during my, and I had really a great desire now to really get to know the real God. And so in my studies, in his religions, I became a bit confused because they all believed something different. And finally, I, I started also a little bit about a new age movement eco terrorism. They they put KD or the gods, all religions like in one pot.

Roland Bartl (03:35):
And well, I found it very interesting actually what they believe too finally years were passing. And I prayed myself to regard whom I didn’t know yet. Please show me who you are. I wanted to get to know you. Finally, my I, after a few years of my search for the, for the real God, my father got saved. And for me, this was so strange because my father was a hundred percent 80 IST. And he, he did not believe in any spirituality at all. And he didn’t believe in any God. Then he told me about Jesus Christ, more about why Jesus went to the cross and resurrected. And I felt in my heart, it could be true, maybe not. And finally, I went to, I went with him to his church, sometimes a small charismatic church in Munich, Germany, and yeah, I grew up actually in Munich, Germany, and they’re Christians.

Roland Bartl (04:37):
They are, they try to convince me about Jesus. And yeah, I will. I was really not sure what was the real God. I was actually more into the Buddhism. They believe in a reincarnation. I found it much, much more logic than Jesus going to the cross for us to get us redeemed. Finally, one day they came up profit to this church, American prophet, and he started to prophecy over people. And I was, I went also this, this even into his church and he suddenly called me out and prophesied over me. And he, during he started prophesying over me, there was a, there was a supernatural power coming down from heaven, running through my, into my head, going through my whole body and soul and running out again. And this for about 10 minutes and this, and this was a real experience. I was pacing in a supernatural power during this prophet was prophesying.

Roland Bartl (05:33):
And he spoke about my actually he spoke about my present. He says straight to my faith face. You’re looking for a real God. And he spoke about my future. And this was a real experience, which finally, yeah, finally this experience was working in my heart because it was real. I could not really believe in Jesus yet as Jesus Christ would be the only way to God that he, that he is God. And the only way to God, I couldn’t believe it, but the, this prophecy was real and this experience was real. So finally after, I don’t know how many months, more, maybe a half year or something, or was it a week? Not actually three years after this. Prophecy is about three years later to some demons showed up into my life and they, they wanted to kind of transform me into a monster.

Roland Bartl (06:28):
They wanted to physically kill me. And yeah, and I was very afraid and, and I just showed it. Jesus helped me and this demons disappeared and this was a real experience to it. It was nothing of imagination or a story. Now, I suppose my own experience or the devil was real to me. Finally, I, I continued to pray to God, show me the truth, who you are really. And it took another half year after the demon experience that somehow supernaturally actually through an esoteric book, actually the holy spirit convinced me that Christ is the safe of the world. And he’s the only way to God. And so I gave him my life. I just prayed it coming in my life. And I got saved

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:16):
What a tremendous story. And I think it’s so wonderful to hear your testimony. The continent of Europe has been called a post Christian continent. Of course it has a rich heritage of people who love Jesus, but now so many people in Germany and other parts of, of Europe 10 more towards atheism. And so to hear that you had an encounter with God, and because of that encounter, you came to Jesus. What a inspiring testimony. And I pray that many more people in Europe will come to Jesus will have an encounter with Jesus and will come to God. All of Europe shall be saved in Jesus name. Amen. And you have now become a missionary. You’re going to different nations, many different nations around the world. What is it that took you from a comfortable life in Germany to want to go out to the mission field and to tell people about Jesus?

Roland Bartl (08:17):
Yeah, it was my, my personal relationship with Jesus. I mean, when you, when I was a Christian, finally, he he, he sent me for a while to Africa. I was still a baby Christian and I wanted to, I wanted to experience now God’s God’s power. What’s this written in the Bible and the book of acts people get saved and get healed and deliver from demon. And in Europe, you don’t see it as much. And even they don’t let any baby Christian, like I lost, they don’t let them preach in a church, never, ever. So, so God sent me to Africa for a while and he was teaching me how to operate an anointing of the holy spirit. And I ever preached the first time in my life. And our church was in Africa, in a country offsite year. And so God was always confirming my calling on her to be an evangelist or be, to be a prophet, to be a missionary and always confirming.

Roland Bartl (09:13):
And yeah, and that’s why my, I got born in this world in a fallen world, which needs help. I got born here and to be Christians, we should be a light for the, for the people, for the nations. And we should laugh all the people and we should reflect the love of God. So, and when we preach the gospel of the people, we share the love of God to them because God’s desire is that everybody finally comes back to God, is getting saved and has the right to be in heaven. Yes. And this is the reason I actually, if I am preaching the gospel,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:49):
Amen. Amen. Well, you preached your first sermon in Africa, but now you have preached sermons in many other places around the world, and you have really spent a lot of time in Asia. You and I have been Facebook friends for quite a while now, and I watch your pictures and you send me pictures on my phone and I always see you ministry in China, in Malaysia. And that type of ministry is different than what we do in Africa. Like when we go to Africa, we, we do large evangelistic crusades. We’ll have thousands of people come, but of course you’re not able to do that in China. Could you tell me some about the, the, what God has allowed you to do in Asia?

Roland Bartl (10:33):
Yeah, my last 10, 10 years of my life, I was living actually in Asia. I, I lived six years in Malaysia and then three and a half years in China. And what in my ministry, what we do or it’s I, or we, we do sometimes an evangelistic meetings. What, what the here called crusades. And they do it sometime. He did one in Pakistan and Uganda, Philippines, sometimes they do this, but my ministry also, we’re helping churches with teaching and preaching and seminars. And also intercession is a bi g part of the ministry. And in, in Asia is, is different than the Western countries. You have mostly any, any Asian countries as their own religion. So you’re dealing with different Principalities and Powersand spiritual hosts in heavenly places. And yeah, and generally, it’s more easy to get the Asian saved then the Western people because they already grow up. There’s some spirituality in China, for example, is a bit more difficult. I mean, Malaysia is a Muslim country, but in Malaysia you have also, the Hindu is the Buddhist Christians and some other spirit religions. So when you minister there, it’s maybe I would say it’s kind of fun. I would say, because sometimes you, of course like in any country, but sometimes, I mean, you pray for people to getting healed or you cast out demons out of people and it’s, it’s nice to see what the holy spirit is doing there. China, for example is different. They have a different government. They don’t really want any religion in their country, but China originally was a Buddhist country until,uthey became more communist. And basically in China now the, there are this kind of,uwhat we call underground churches. This is a people who are meeting more in the houses and,ubecause they, in some states of China, they’re getting prosecuted, not in all of states in China, China’s a big country like America. And, and so many times there’s people really getting safe in China, more in this house, churches and the China’s also evangelize their country. But,uI was there since three and a half years until 2019. I had no problems as a foreigner. I could even preach in a Sunday service sometimes. And there was no problem. And from 2019 on the Chinese government became more strict and sort of foreign us. Also. They couldn’t do too much in China anymore.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:13):
Well, I believe China shall be saved too. You know, when they have the Beijing Olympics, I saw all of the, the meetings that were taking place in the bird nest stadium there in the middle of Beijing. And I think, oh, that stadium is a good place to preach the gospel. And so I believe the day will come where crusades will be able to be done across China. And it has such a large population. I think it’s possible that the largest crusades in history will take place in China. You know under communism in, in Russia people were not able to minister, but then the wall came down. The, the Berlin wall fell down and, and Russia was open. And for a time it, people were ready to go into minister in, in, in Russia. And many people came to Jesus during that time. And so I think that with globalization, it’s very possible that we could see a time where suddenly China will be open to the gospel and it is important for the church to be ready for that. So already I am translating some of my books into Chinese. I’m getting ready because I believe God will open up doors and the time will come where we will see a great move of God in the nation of China and end in all of Asia. You mentioned intercession. And one important part intercession plays in your ministry. If you’re at a church and you’re teaching them about the importance of prayer, what are some of the principles that you teach about intercession?

Roland Bartl (14:56):
Yeah. About intercession is the best is when people intercede be led by the holy spirit. I pray actually, what’s on the heart of God. When you’re doing intersession, you make your heart one with the heart of the Father and then the Holy Spirit, which we, which lives in us. He helps us actually to pray what it’s on, God hearts and when, and when we pray also sometimes we have to go actively, have to go against some principle that empower us who are hanging over countries, but do this under the leading of the holy spirit. And the other, other part is when we pray in the seed for, for an issue or for a nation or for people even then don’t give up, because Jesus says in the Bible, don’t give up. Then you pray is it’s very important to on the other hand also like it’s very important as a, to pray with the wisdom of God. Sometimes the devil will start some counter attacks, so you need to stand your ground also to fight them off. Okay. But we are dealing with a defeated enemy. The devil is defeated. However, he tries sometimes to disturb us and the tears out. And so must, you must stand your ground. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:13):
You also speak Spanish in your recent missions, trips, where to Mexico and to Paraguay. And you’ve seen God do miracles in, in Latin America. Tell me, what are some of the, the miracles, the, the testimonies that you’ve seen in your ministry?

Roland Bartl (16:33):
Yeah, there are many, many miracles testimonies, but I, in my ministry life, I saw really blind people’s eyes, getting opened lane people walked and all kinds of sicknesses getting healed. And also yeah, maybe I can share this quickly. So Anna was a baby Christian in Africa and a year. There’s a lot of special time in my life. And the holy spirit was leading me very much, very submissions and through a vision. For example, he showed me a vision of certain village in the middle of the year, which I should go to. I didn’t even know what to do there, but I went there as a brother. Finally, finally, it came out that the holy spirit was sending me there with a strong vision to save a crazy guy from getting killed from his own. People can’t believe this, but it was those a really mission of God.

Roland Bartl (17:29):
One of these really crazy sick, even process people, he ran around with a knife in his hand and with stress and, and God told me, you must take care of what him and I did. And finally, through many prayers and also fasting as we cost out hundred demons out of him, him and he got completely healed. So this is a really I would say special mission rescue mission for our crazy guy. But however, the cloud generally really, I mean, as we preached the gospel, we see people getting healed delivered. I see a Paraguay, for example, I remember there was a woman that was with some strong back pains all the time. And we prayed for her as was gone that a house, which I rented for one month, we had to, we had to clean it out from some demons and, and they didn’t want to come back anymore. So it was a party and it was also, yeah. And, and I, you know, and it was a pupil with a high blood pressure. I remember also empowered by reasonably got healed and many other miracles.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:36):
That’s so wonderful to hear what God is doing around the world. Roland, one of the biggest challenges of being a missionary is always raising money. And so like our ministry is supported by friends and partners that, that help to support us and pray for us. And we’re so grateful for everyone who supports us. And so I’m going to on my website, when I post this episode, I’m going to put a link to your Facebook page. So if people are interested in helping out your ministry, they can connect with you there and help you in your mission around the world. And so brother Roland, it’s so wonderful to spend some time with you. Thank you for being a guest on the evangelism podcast.

Roland Bartl (19:24):
Yeah, I think we’re a much also what I want to say is also we had, in the past, in the last, maybe 15 years, we had missions in 40 countries around the world. There’s a lot of stuff on Facebook and YouTube. Yes. And like I say, the mission is all continue to work of Jesus Christ on earth. It’s very simple. Okay. Preach the gospel, heal the sick cast out demons. So people also can accept Christ as saver a saver. So they’re getting saved and, and have the right to go to heaven. Continue what Jesus started on earth. And yeah, if you’re really, if you like supporting. Yes. I, right now I have a Facebook page and, and I was, I am connected with world outreach ministries. If you are wanting to support, this is all on the Facebook side also. And yeah, praise the Lord. Thank you. If you’re doing it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:17):
Thank you brother, Roland Bartl. God bless you. Thanks for listening to the evangelism podcast today. I want to ask you to partner with me to help lead people to Jesus. For as little as a dollar a month, you can be responsible for helping us lead at least one person to Jesus every single month. Over our 20 years of ministry, we’ve found that it costs an average of about $1 for every person that we’re able to reach. And so if you could just go to king and partner with us for at least $1, just $1 partner with us to help us lead people to Jesus. Imagine for a dollar you can be responsible for starting a party in heaven every single month. And would you do me a favor go to apple iTunes and leave this podcast a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this show. Thanks so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (21:22):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king Again, that’s king


The post Roland Bartl | Spreading the Love of God appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.

Apologetics in Evangelism | Daniel King Thu, 16 Sep 2021 01:53:48 +0000 This week I was invited to be a speaker at the Virtual Connect Summit by the Global Network of Evangelists (GNE), a ministry organized by the ministry of Luis Palau. They asked me to speak on “Apologetics in Evangelism.” I share from my book “Proof God is Real.” Order the book, Proof God is Real: […]

The post Apologetics in Evangelism | Daniel King appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.

This week I was invited to be a speaker at the Virtual Connect Summit by the Global Network of Evangelists (GNE), a ministry organized by the ministry of Luis Palau. They asked me to speak on “Apologetics in Evangelism.” I share from my book “Proof God is Real.”

Order the book, Proof God is Real:


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Hello, this is evangelist Daniel King. And today I want to talk to you about the use of apologetics in evangelism. This week, I was invited to be a guest speaker at the virtual connect summit, organized by the global network of evangelists, a ministry that is under the ministry of Louise. Palauan great evangelists from Argentina. And so they asked me to put together this session on apologetics and evangelism, and I thought I would share it with you today.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:32):
Well, Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King where Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:08):
Hello, I’m evangelist Daniel King, and I am so excited to join you for this virtual connect summit. I’m actually recording this a few days early because in this moment, while you’re watching this, I’m actually on a plane. I’m headed to the nation of Malawi to join hands together with a global network of advanced de-list the GNE. And we’re going to be doing festivals in the nation of Malawi. I’ll be joining Desmond Henry Allen green is there. And of course, Andrew Palau will be coming for a great festival in the city of Blantyre. And I’m so excited for this opportunity to collaborate with other evangelists, all of us participating together in order to hold this historic event for the nation of Malawi. So over the next three weeks, if you could pray for these outreaches in Malawi, we would appreciate it so much. I’ve been asked today to speak about the subject of apologetics in evangelism.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:16):
And this is a subject that is very important to me. I just finished writing a book called proof. God is real in this book is an apologetics book, but really the throbbing heart of this book is my passion for evangelism. I’ve been involved in evangelism my whole life when I was five years old as called by God into the ministry. Then when I was six, I preached my first sermon. When I was 10 years old, my parents became missionaries in the country of Mexico. And throughout my teen years, we would do lots of children’s evangelism on the streets of Ciudad Juarez, right across the border from El Paso, Texas. We’d run through the streets with flyers, knocking on doors, inviting all the kids to come and we’d fill churches up with these kids. And then when I was 15 years old, I was reading a book about how to be a success in life.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:10):
And this book, it was talking to businessmen. It said, if you really want to be successful, you need to set a goal to make $1 million before the age of 30, become a millionaire before the age of 30. But I realized that because of my upbringing as a missionary in Mexico, that money was not what was important to me. What was important was souls. And so at the age of 15, I wrote down this goal on a piece of paper, I wrote, I Daniel King want to leave 1 million people to Jesus. Before I turned 30 years of age, instead of trying to become a millionaire, I wanted to lead a million heirs into the kingdom of God. And so God started opening up doors in different nations. While I was still in college at oral Roberts university, I began to travel to different nations. And I’m excited to tell you that before I turned 30 years of age, I had the privilege of leading a million people to Jesus in a salvation prayer.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:08):
And then in the year, since then we have now hit our second million and I was praying and asking God, what comes next? And I felt like God say Daniel go for a million souls every single year. So in the natural, that may seem impossible, but with God, all things are possible. So I’m passionate about leading people to Jesus. And a lot of our great gospel festivals have been in Africa, in Latin America and Asia. And we see people walk several days in order to get to our festival sometimes in Africa, for example, but I also have a heart and a passion for reaching people here in the United States. And I noticed that one of the spirits that has really captured so many hearts and minds here in the United States is the spirit of atheism. And I’ve really been praying and asking God gone, how can we reach people who are being attacked by this spirit of atheism?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:15):
And I think the answer to that is in the area of apologetics. That’s why I wrote this book proof. God is real. When I was still a teenager, my family went on a missions trip down to the nation of Jamaica. I remember we were doing a kind of a small festival all day long, were running through the neighborhoods, inviting people to come to the festival. And at the end of the day, we were hot. We were tired. We were exhausted. We were so sweaty because Jamaica is a very tropical nation. We just wanted to come back to the hotel, take a shower and get in bed. But when we got back to the hotel, there was a big problem. All the water in the hotel had been shut off. And so we didn’t know what to do, but someone in the group was a smart missionary.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:05):
They said, let’s go down to the swimming pool and let’s just take a bath in the swimming pool. So that’s what we did. We went down to the swimming pool. We took some soap and shampoo and we’re, we’re swimming in the Shamp in the swimming pool, just renting off. When, off on the edge of the swim pool, I noticed that there was a panel that was smoking and I thought to myself, panels are not supposed to smoke. And so I swam over to investigate this smoking panel and there were sparks coming out of it and everything. And as I’m looking at it suddenly the light that was under the water, it shocked my leg and it scared me because you can die from electricity in a pool. And so immediately this whole side of my body went numb. I managed to pull myself out of the pool and I was walking away, thanking God so much that I didn’t die in that pool.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (06:57):
And I was about six steps away from the pool. When suddenly I remembered that all of my friends were still in the pool and immediately I became very concerned for their safety. I, I rushed back over to the pool and I started yelling at guys, guys, get out of the pool. You’re going to die if you stay in the pool. There’s electricity. I, I got shocked. Well, I was only a teenager. My friends thought that I was just playing a practical joke. So they laughed at me, but I was serious. The guys guys get out of the pool. You got to get out of the pool right now. It shot me. It’s the electricity could kill you. And so I started even grabbing some people by the hair and pulling them out of the pool. And there were still a few more that wouldn’t get out.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:39):
And if I went over there and talked to them and I showed them the smoking ban, and I said, guys, it shocked me. If you stay in the pool, it could be a dangerous situation. So finally, I rescued everyone from the swimming pool and thank God, no one died that day. But right then God spoke to me and he says, Daniel, you need to have the same passion saving people from hell as used, showed, saving your friends from that swimming pool. You see a lot of people, they get so excited that they got saved. They walk away say, thank you God so much for saving me, but they forget that there is a world full of people out there who are dying and going to hell. And so thank God that you’re saved. Thank God that I’m saved, but let’s not forget about this world full of atheist.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:30):
People who don’t even believe in God, people who are denying the existence of God. And if they die in their sin, they will spend eternity separated from God. And so we need to have passion to go and reach it. Someone said that Christianity is simply one starving man who found bread going and telling all the other starving people where they can find bread. And so thank God we have the bread of life. We have the word of God. We have the answer for a world that is starving without God. And so I wrote proved God is real. And it really comes from one verse in the Bible. Let me read you that verse right now in Hebrews 11, verse six, it says without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:31):
And so I’ve been watching YouTube and I noticed that there are a lot of videos of atheists on YouTube that are actively trying to proselytize and, and bring people into atheism. And I was thinking, you know, we need to do something as a church to, to combat this spirit of atheism. And I started thinking like, what are the three greatest questions that our generation is asking today? And I came up with a long list of questions, many different questions that people are asking, but I decided that the three greatest questions are these three questions. Question number one is God. There is God. There is there really a God. The second great question. If there is a God who’s out there, does he care about me? Does God care? And then if you decide that there is a God in that he does care about me as an individual.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:34):
The third great question is, do I dare to follow him? So is God there does God care? And do I dare to follow him? And what’s really interesting is that all three of these questions are answered in this verse, Hebrews 11, six. First of all, this verse tells us that he exists. Yes, God is there. Second. This verse tells us that God rewards those who earnestly seek him. This tells me that God does care about me as an individual. And third, this verse tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. So this tells me that I must dare to trust him for my salvation. So is God there does God care? And do I dare to follow him? I said, so I started asking these questions and in studying, looking for answers to these questions. And it really came because of a mother that I met at a small church in Missouri.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:47):
I was preaching at this church and after I was done preaching, this mother came up to and she had tears in her eyes and she’s, she grabbed me by the hand. And she says, Daniel, could you please pray for my son? It’s desperate. Well, I thought her son was sick. He needed healing or something. So I said, tell me what’s wrong with him? And I’ll pray for him. And you see she, she went with and her boy, she says, my son has become an atheist. He was raised in the church. He heard all the Bible stories and Sunday school. He knows about Joseph and the coat of many colors. He knows about Jonah and the whale, but he moved down to Austin, Texas, and he got involved with this group of atheists. And now he says that he is an atheist and he even started a blog where he’s telling other people about atheism and recording videos about atheism.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:42):
And she said, please, could you pray for my son? And of course I reached out my hand. We, we, we grabbed hands together and I began to pray for her son. And then at the end of the prayer, she said, if I give you his phone number, will you call him? And of course I said, yes. And so she gave me his phone number. I called him the next day. And we had several long conversations even emailing back and forth about the questions that atheists are asking. And honestly, I didn’t really have all the answers to the questions that he was bringing up. And so, because of that, I started to study apologetics and I’ve got a big bookshelf now, full of great books about apologetics and just looking for different ways to provide an answer for the hope that is within me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:40):
And, and so, as I began to study all these books, I took all of these answers to these questions that atheists are asking, and I put them together in this book arranged under these, these three big questions is God, there does God care. And, and do I dare to follow him? And then just a couple of years ago, there was an atheist convention right here in Oklahoma. They, they say that Oklahoma is the buckle of the Bible belt. And so one day I was driving down the highway and I saw a huge billboard and it was advertising this atheist convention right here in my state that has churches on every single corner. And I said, wow, this spirit of atheism is aggressive and strong. And we need to do something to reach people who are atheist or who are skeptical about the things of God.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:39):
And so I decided to go to the atheist convention and I went, I sat, I listened to everything that they were saying, sat in on all the sessions. And after words, I wrote up a blog post about what I had seen and heard at the atheist convention and, and my, my website isn’t that big, you can check it out. King, K I N G king And normally I don’t get a lot of traffic on my blog posts you know, get a few dozen or a hundred people looking at a typical blog post. But when I posted this blog post about this atheist convention in just a few days, I had over 14,000 views, all atheist looking at this and commenting on it. And I probably got several hundred comments. People were mad, they’re cussing at me. They were angry about what I said about atheism, but I, I saw that there, there really is this tremendous need for Christians to reach out to atheists.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:50):
You know, I think I was the only Christian that went to that atheist convention. Well, I think that there should be dozens of Christians there interacting and having conversations with atheists. I also started to follow a bunch of atheists on Twitter and looking at what they’re saying, listening to their concerns. And, and a lot of what they’re saying is, is mocking Christianity mocking the religious beliefs of of different groups, but there is a core to it that I think the church really needs to listen to in, in our society. I think one of the biggest problems that we’re facing is this spirit of, of skepticism, this spirit of atheism that is attacking. And so I, after doing several years of research and writing and everything, I, I put together this book proof God is real and I have it available as a steady guide.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:55):
And as a book, it’s, it’s up on Amazon, you can find it by typing proof. God is real by Daniel King on Amazon. And it’s these three big questions is God there. And so I want to just give you a little bit of the information about the book. We don’t have time right now to, to cover everything in the book. And of course, there’s lots of great apologetics books out there, but I’d really like to encourage you to, to start looking for ways to reach out to our society. How are we going to reach atheist with a gospel? How are we going to interact with skeptics? How are we going to deal with our generation today? I find that sometimes Christians are really busy answering a lot of questions that is asking you go to church and they preach different sermons, different topics. And it’s not really answering the questions that people are asking.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:00):
You know, how are we going to reach people? I think we need to, as evangelists, we need to become solid in the study of apologetics. Now, sometimes people ask like, like, what is apologetics? Is that apologizing? For, for what we believe and apologetics is, is not in a apology apologetics is a tool that we can use to help to reach people. So the, the word apologetics comes from the Greek word Apologia, which means to give a reasoned response. And this word is found seven times in the new Testament. We find it in acts 22, 1 X, 25, 16 five more times. And it doesn’t mean to make an apology. It means to give a defense. And so someone has described apologetics as the frontline of the battle for people’s souls. And so before you can answer the questions of how do we deal with sin?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:18):
We have to start with the fact that there is a God, is there a God? Well, if someone doesn’t believe that there’s a God, they’re not going to care about Jesus being the son of God or Jesus dying on the cross or paying the price for our sins. I mean, first we have to establish the fact that there is a God and Isaiah one verse 18, Isaiah says, come now let us reason together in acts 19 verse eight, it says that the apostle Paul went into the synagogue and spoke boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading concerning the things of the kingdom of God. And so really apologetics is how we reason with people about the things of God. It’s how we persuade people to come to a realization that there is a God. And so sometimes there is a place for strong preaching and in calling people to repentance.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:17):
But often we need to sit down, listen to what people are saying and offer a reasoned response. And we can do that reason response through social media, through YouTube, through various different methods of reaching out to people in person sitting down at a coffee shop. But I think if you’re going to be an evangelist, if you’re called by God to be an evangelist, you should become proficient in the steady of apologetics. So in this book, proof, God is real. I narrowed down to seven proofs for the existence of God. So the first great question is God there. So I talk about the cosmological proof. So the cosmological proof is that premise a everything that exists must have a cause. Premise be this cause must be a great causer premise. See the only cause or great enough would be God in the conclusion, therefore God exists.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:24):
So the cosmological proof is the proof from cost. So let me give you an example of, of how this works in everyday life. So imagine that you, you have a group of friends and that you’ve got Sarah and Mary and Luke and a group of people. And so Sarah is a little cold and she wants a jacket. So she turns to her friend, Mary and says, Mary can you, can I borrow your jacket? And Mary says, yes, of course you can borrow my jacket, but, but I don’t have one with me. Let me ask Luke for a jacket. So she turns to Luke and Mary asks, Luke and Luke says, no, I don’t have a jacket, but let me ask my other friend Samuel so-so, Luke turns to Samuel and then Samuel turns to Paul and they, they keep asking for jackets, but nobody in the group has a jacket.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:22):
So Sarah can never receive a jacket because what you have is this group of borrowers. Everyone wants to borrow from someone else, but in order for someone to get a jacket, someone must first have a jacket to lend. You must have a first lender of the jacket. And so the same is true about the universe. Everything in the universe is caused. I can lift this book up and, and drop it. It falls on the desk. Well, the sound that comes is caused by the book falling, and I’m lifting it up and that’s what caused it to fall. That’s what caused the sound. Well, what caused me something had to have caused me. Well, my mom and dad gave birth to me and that’s what caused me. And it goes all the way back. And it’s this, this idea of what came first, the chicken or the egg.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:22):
So everything in the universe has a cause in that causer must be a great causer and that great causer is the one that we call God. Another proof that God is real is the tele illogical proof. This is evidence from design. If I was walking through the forest, I found my cell phone laying on the forest floor, and I never seen one before, but I picked it up and turned it on and started scroll through it and saw pictures and stuff. And wow, this is amazing. And then if I opened up the back of my cell phone, I’d see lots of intricate, little tiny pieces of electronics and battery parts. And it would be obvious that this cell phone was designed by a great designer. Steve jobs had the idea to make the apple cell phone and he put a lot of work into designing it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:27):
And there’s thousands of pieces inside a typical iPhone. But, you know, there are thousands of pieces of information in a strand of DNA. And it is obvious by looking at creation that everything that we can see was designed by a great designer in this great designer is the one that we call God. We also deal with the ontological proof, which would be proved from abstract reasoning. If you’re locked up in a room and it was totally dark, you couldn’t feel anything. And all you could do was think, could you prove that there’s a God? And the answer is yes. We also have the morality proof evidence from our sense of right and wrong. So premise a, if God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist. Premise be objective, moral values do exist. Conclusion, therefore God exists. And so the sense inside of us that there is right and wrong proves that there is a great moral law giver in this universe.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:43):
And that moral law giver is God. And so we can prove that God is there by our sense of right and wrong. And in everyone in our generation can see that there are things that are happening that are wrong. People are mad at, at racism. They’re mad at human trafficking. They’re mad at war. And they’re wondering why does this great evil and injustice exists in the world? And actually the fact that we know that these things are wrong, prove that there is a God who gives us an objective moral value of what is right and wrong. We also have scriptural proof evidence from the Bible. So the Bible says that God exists and we can see that the Bible is trustworthy when we begin to study it, therefore we can, that God exists. I also deal with proof from miracles. I’m an evangelist who believes that God is alive.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:54):
That Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever in the same miracles that Jesus did 2000 years ago, he can do today in, in many of our great festivals, we have seen God do great miracles. I was in the nation of Ethiopia a couple of years ago, and there was a man whose name was Mohammed. And he was a cripple and not many people came the first night of our festival. And it was because when our team went and put up posters, there was a team of Muslim, young people that came behind us and they were tearing the posters down from the walls. And in this, this group of Muslim youth, they actually started a fight and they threw a brick through the front windshield of our publicity vehicle. And the police were called. And they said that our guys had started the fight, which is ridiculous because why would we throw a brick through our own windshield?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:48):
And 17 of our Ethiopian team members were thrown into jail and we had to get a lawyer to get them out. And so then the first night of the festival, there weren’t many people in that area. Ethiopia is about 30% Muslim and the area that we were ministering in had a high concentration of Muslims. And, and so none of them were there. So I pray say, God, you have to do something. And so then on the second night of the festival, there’s man Muhammad, the cripple came and Jesus touched Mohammed, the cripple, and he lifted his crutch up into the air. And he began to run back and forth. He came up on the platform and he lifted his crutch into the air. And he said, Jesus healed me. Jesus healed me. And I said, what’s your name? He said, my name is Mohammad.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:32):
And instantly everyone knew that he was a Muslim. And so word began to spread that Jesus was healing Muslims, and that the next night, the crowd size doubled. And then the next night it doubled again. And then the next night, it double again, by the last night we had over 55,000 people in that place, many of the Muslim coming to hear about Jesus for the first time. And they came because of the miracle that God did in the life of this man named Mohammed. And so miracles can help us prove that God is real. You can’t argue with someone who has an experience of a miracle inexperience, we’ll be in argument any day of the week. And so when, when people begin to see God do miracles, they trust that God is real. And then of course we have redemptive proof for God’s existence. God has done great miracles in my life.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:31):
And without God, I know that I would be a horrible person. So God is there. Then this book deals with the question does God care. And I believe that the, that the proof that God cares is in the life of Jesus, the birth of Jesus proves that God cares the life of Jesus proves that God cares the death of Jesus proves that God cares. And the resurrection of Jesus proves that God cares for you as an individual. And so people are asking questions about whether Jesus really existed, whether he really lived, whether he really rose from the dead and this book answers those questions. And then the third grade question, do I dare to follow him? This, this book goes into the details of Pascal’s wager and lots of other great ways to ask people to dare to follow Jesus. And so I encourage you. If you want to learn more about apologetics, get a copy of this book proof, God is real. It’s available on and you can also get the study guide to help you go through it. So prove God is real by Daniel King. And I pray that God would use you in a tremendous way to use apologetics, to bring atheists and skeptics to Jesus Christ. Check out my website, king Give me your email address and I’ll send you a free book. God bless you and have a great day.

Evangelism Podcast Host (31:09):
Daniel King is on a mission to save 1 million souls a year, but he can’t do it alone. Would you consider sowing a financial seed today to give, please visit For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches, visit king again, that’s king


The post Apologetics in Evangelism | Daniel King appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.

Christina Perera | A Passion for Revealing Jesus Mon, 31 May 2021 19:26:29 +0000 Christina Perera has a passion for revealing Jesus. I was a guest on her podcast recently and we had a fascinating conversation about how to reveal Jesus to atheists. I shared with her the five steps for revealing Jesus found in the story of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. Today I decided […]

The post Christina Perera | A Passion for Revealing Jesus appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.

Christina Perera has a passion for revealing Jesus. I was a guest on her podcast recently and we had a fascinating conversation about how to reveal Jesus to atheists. I shared with her the five steps for revealing Jesus found in the story of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. Today I decided to let you listen in on her podcast about Revealing Jesus.

About Christina Perera:

Christina is a revivalist, speaker, and author whose passion for Jesus spreads like wildfire.  She is called as an evangelist of the gospel of Jesus Christ inviting all to the table of grace. She seeks to encourage, build and unite the bride of Christ as well as to bring her into the revelation of the finished work of the cross.


Listen to The Evangelism Podcast with Evangelist Daniel King…


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:01):
Christina Perera has a passion for revealing Jesus. I was a guest on her podcast recently, and we had a fascinating conversation about how to reveal Jesus to atheist. I shared with her the five steps for revealing Jesus found in the story of Jesus’s encounter with a woman at the well today, I decided to let you listen in on her podcast about revealing Jesus.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:27):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord show. Welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:04):
Hi, this is Daniel King and I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I’m going to take you with me into the studio. As I’m interviewed on the podcast of Christina Perrera, her podcast is named revealing Jesus, and I love talking about revealing Jesus. Here we go…

Christina Perera (01:26):
Hey everybody. Thanks so much for tuning into this week’s episode of revealing Jesus with Christina Perera. I am your host, Christina, and I am so excited to have you with me here today. I’ve got an amazing treat for you on the line. I have an incredible evangelist. He has been in full-time ministry for 20 plus years, and he is ministered to millions all over the nations of the world. Today I have with me here, evangelists, Dr. Daniel King, welcome to the program, Daniel. Wow,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:05):
Christina. It is so wonderful to be on the program with you. Thank you so much. I love your mission of revealing Jesus because when we revealed Jesus, it is so special when people get to start that relationship with God.

Christina Perera (02:22):
Oh, well, I’m so honored to have you with me here today. I just, I love your heart. I love your ministry. You found it. Is it king international ministries,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:33):
Ministries international. And I am a missionary evangelist. I’ve gone to over 70 nations preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. And we’ve seen over 2 million people pray with us for salvation in our altar calls. And so I am passionate about revealing Jesus to the world.

Christina Perera (02:56):
Oh, I love that so much. I can tell this is already going to be a really fun conversation because I’m all about Jesus. I I’ve told our listeners so much about you. Is there anything that maybe you’d like to tell them, maybe something personal just to help them get to know you?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:13):
Yeah. My parents were missionaries in the country of Mexico. They moved there when I was 10 years old. And so I grew up working with them in Mexico, but my heart, my passion was always for evangelism. And so when I was young, I would read the books of TLR born or Roberts, Billy Graham Reinhard Bunky, and look at the pictures of all the people that they had led to Jesus. And when I was 15 years old, I was reading a success book. It said, if you want to be successful, you need to write down your goals. And one of the goals that this success book said would be good for young people is to try to become a millionaire by the age of 30. But I realized that because of my upbringing as a missionary in Mexico, that money was not what was important to me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (04:01):
What was important was souls. And so at the age of 15, I wrote down, I Daniel King want to lead 1 million people to Jesus. Before I turned 30 years of age, instead of trying to become a millionaire, I wanted to lead a million heirs into the kingdom of God. And so God started opening up doors in different nations. And I’m excited to tell you that before I turned 30 years of age, we had successfully led over a million people to Jesus in a, in a salvation prayer. And now we’ve gone over the 2 million mark and I was asking God recently what comes next? I felt like God’s sake go for a million souls every single year. And so that is my passion is going to the least reach parts of the world, places where there’s many Muslims, there’s Hindus even here in America, where there are atheists and reaching the Henrique, telling them about Jesus and bringing them into a relationship with God.

Christina Perera (04:58):
Oh, that’s so amazing. I love that goal. I think, yeah, as young people, it’s easy to get caught up and the systems of the world, but I love that you were able to, to look at that and say, oh, that, that goal is too small for me. You know, because I, I I’ve, you know, I’ve seen so many times in the world where people will achieve the big job they’ll achieve, you know, the millionaire status, but then what do they do? They find that they’re empty. I love that you took that goal and you made it something for God. How is that? Is that been, how has, how has that been fulfilling in your life? What has that done for you?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (05:41):
Oh, well, when I look at the picture of someone that needs Jesus, there’s something in my heart that just goes out to them. You know, Jesus told us in mark 16, 15, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And so as Christians, we are called to go and to reach the loss, to, to tell people about Jesus. And so when I see a picture of a family member, I often ask my friends and partners to send me pictures of their family members that they’re praying for that need Jesus. And I begin to pray for them. And when I see their picture, it just really moves me to, to, to pray that God would send someone across their path to introduce them to Jesus, or when I see a picture of people in different nations around the world. And if you go to my website, king, you can see hundreds of pictures of individuals that have been saved in our services. Testimonies of people whose lives have been changed. Pictures of people who, who have received healing testimonies, their, their bodies were sick and Jesus supernaturally healed them. And, and all of those pictures, I look in the eyes of the people and it just gives me such compassion. You know, it says when Jesus saw the crowds of people, he was moved with compassion. And so my prayer every day is that my heart would be filled with the same compassion that Jesus felt for people.

Christina Perera (07:12):
Yes. And so has that major life way more abundant and fruitful and meaningful than simply following the ways of the world as, as a young kid?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:27):
Yeah, absolutely. An investment in souls is an investment in eternity. Like people are often asking like, you know, where should I put my money to get the best return for retirement? But really, if you think about all of eternity, our life here on earth is very short, but eternity is forever. And so when we invest in souls it gives us a tremendous return and an eternal return. And so that becomes a, what is important is investing in those things that are going to last forever and ever, you know, so many things here on earth are temporal. You buy a new car, you love the smell of the new car, but then after a, while it wears off and you, you get a fender bender or you get a scratch on the side of the car and you don’t want that car anymore. Well, that, that is a temporal blessing, but eternity is so long that I think that we should keep our focus and our passion, our prayers on how to effect all of eternity.

Christina Perera (08:36):
I love that, you know, I, I have such a heart of an evangelist and I always, when you first started speaking, I kept hearing that verse, he who wins souls is wise. And I like how you equated that almost to investing. So you took what could have been an opportunity you to go out into the workforce and invest in the ways of the world, but you saw it as an opportunity to invest in the kingdom of God and invest in eternity. And, and I think that’s really beautiful because you’re right. You know, we get that new car, a get that new thing or whatever, and we’re happy about it. But then there does come a day where we want something new. And for me, you know, working in the kingdom of God is, is, has been really fulfilling in a way that really nothing else was.

Christina Perera (09:27):
I always think about Jesus when he was, do you remember the story of the woman at the well, and he was so tired. He sat down, his disciples, went into town to get food. And they came back. By the time they came back, he had ministered to the woman at the well, and he S and he was refreshed. He was revived. And his disciples were like, where did you get food from? And he was like, I have food that you do not know of. My food is to do the will of my father in heaven. And, and even though work in the kingdom is work. We receive receive, even now in this life that we lead, you know, a refilling back of the Lord into what we’ve poured out. And I love that about Jesus. He’s, he’s so beautiful. Even, even when we pour out for him, he’s pouring back into us so much more. Have you seen that play out in your life?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:34):
Yeah, absolutely. Let let’s, let’s talk a little bit about that passage of the, the woman at the well it’s found in John chapter four. And I think it’s really interesting what Jesus does in relating to the woman. And there’s so much that we can learn from his example. You know, he was so tired. He got up early in the morning, he walked and now it’s noontime and he’s hungry. He sends his disciples into the town to get food, but he sits down by the well, but he’s thirsty. Well, here comes this Samaritan woman. And the first thing Jesus says to her is, will you give me a drink? And so he starts a conversation with her. And so I really think that’s the first step to people leading others to Jesus. You know, as believers, we often want to lead others to Jesus, but we don’t know how, but I think the first step is just to open a conversation and to start talking to people.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (11:29):
And if you don’t talk to them, you’ll never be able to lead them to Jesus. And then the woman says, will you give me a drink? And then Jesus starts talking about living water. So he turns the conversation towards the things of God. So the first step is to start a conversation. The second step is to turn the conversation towards God. And so you can start a conversation talking about weather or talking about the good deal you got at the store, but then look for an opportunity to turn the conversation towards the things of God. If Jesus is inside of you, Jesus is what’s going to come out of you. So if you have a water balloon and you prick the water balloon with a pin, water is going to come out the same thing. If you’re full of Jesus and you start talking to someone, Jesus is going to come out of you.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:17):
And so Jesus starts the conversation. They turn to the conversation towards God, but then he taps in to the holy Spirit’s help in order to minister to him. So he says, go call your husband and come back. And she says, I don’t have a husband. And Jesus says, that’s right. When you say you don’t have a husband, you’ve actually had five husbands. And the man you’re living with now is not your husband. And so Jesus had never met her before. He didn’t know anything about her, but he, he listened to the holy spirit and the holy spirit gave him what we would call a word of knowledge about her situation to help him to minister to her. And so I think that’s the third step to leading people to Jesus is to listen to the holy spirit. The holy spirit will give us the words to say and give us the leading the guiding to say exactly the right thing to help someone come to Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:12):
And then this woman does something that’s very interesting. A lot of people do it. They, they start a spiritual argument. You start witnessing to someone or telling them about Jesus and they want to argue with you. And Jesus doesn’t really argue with her. He just continues to love her. And he says, God is spirit and true worshipers must worship him in spirit and in truth. And so our goal is not to win arguments. Our goal is to win souls. And so even if people try to start a spiritual argument, it’s important to continue to love them. And then the thing I love that Jesus does, that is just perfect for talking about on your podcast, that the woman says, I know that Messiah is coming and Jesus declared I who speak to you, am he? And so Jesus revealed himself to the Samaritan woman. And that’s what your podcast is all about is revealing Jesus to people. And so if we want to bring people to God, what we have to do is we have to reveal Jesus. The more we can introduce people to Jesus, the more likely we are to bring them into a saving relationship with God, the father,

Christina Perera (14:26):
I love that so much. I, you said so many things that got me so excited. So number one, starting a conversation. You know, we lead street teams out on the street and I always tell people, you know, we don’t start with tracks. We don’t start with, you know, that kind of thing. We just start with a human connection, a human conversation, and what I’ve found in my experiences that people names believe it or not. They have stories, they have backgrounds, they have experiences. And when we start with that human connection, you know, then we, we can earn the opportunity to really then bring Jesus into the conversation. I love that Jesus was, Jesus was all about loving people. That was his main agenda, you know? And he, and he does that with the woman at the well, and he uses the holy spirit to speak to her. You know, a lot of believers out there. What would you, how would you help them use the holy spirit to speak, to potential people, to witness to what’s one thing you found in your past to help you do that?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:37):
Yeah. I actually wrote a whole book in order to answer this question, it’s called you can become a master soul winner, how to lead people to Jesus. And so that book can be found on our website, king and also on Amazon, you can become a master soul winner by Daniel King. And in the book, I talk about some of the, the different fears that people face when they’re witnessing. I also give them some things that they can say to make it easier for them to start conversations. And so I love encouraging people to look for opportunities, to share Jesus with people, even if it’s something simple, like going on Facebook and sending someone a message and saying, Hey, I want you to know that I’m praying for you today. And then that can open up a conversation to begin talking about the things of God. And so there’s so many different ways that we can use to reach out to the loss, just our family members, our friends, or coworkers, even people on the other side of the world. There’s, there’s ways that we can, if we’ll begin looking for them, that we can tell people about Jesus and help bring them to having a relationship with God.

Christina Perera (16:52):
Mm. I love that so much. And you know, one of the things I’ve found about ministry is it’s, it’s wonderful to have, you know, these goals for ourselves, but it’s also important that we empower and we raise up the next generation of, of, of evangelists going out into the world, you know, and I love that you, you wrote that book and of course I will put links to your ministry and all of that thing in the sh in the show notes. So people can definitely you’re welcome. I can check that out there. So, but it’s, I think it’s wonderful that you’re raising, helping to raise up the next generation. Cause I’ve felt that, you know, as a burden as well to just help continue to send people out into the world and, you know, telling people about Jesus and, you know, the most beautiful thing I’ve found about having a living relationship with Jesus is that we all have a story and we all have a way to connect to another person. And we can use our stories of where God has brought us from to help then as, as a doorway into the lives of others. What’s what’s a really good story about where God has brought you from. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (18:07):
I want to talk about raising up the next generation because that is something that’s so important. I have had the opportunity the last couple of years to teach at the evangelism bootcamp, which is hosted by Christ for all nations led by Daniel Kolenda. The, the ministry that was founded by, by the great evangelist Reinhardt Bunky. And so last year they had 50 students this year. They had a hundred students and we go and teach them how to preach the gospel, how to have a compassion for the loss, how to clearly communicate the gospel. And so right now, those evangelists that we trained this year are in the country of Tanzania, in they’re going out into the marketplaces. They’re going from school to school all across the nation of Tanzania, working on setting up large evangelistic crusades in, in the last two weeks, Christina, they have led over half a million people to Jesus.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:13):
A team of a hundred evangelists has led over half a million people at Jesus over a two week period. And so all over the world, people are hungry for God. They are ready to come to Jesus. If someone will just go and tell them about Jesus. And so that’s why I so love your ministry. You’re, you’re raising people up to, to even go out to the streets and show love to people into bring Jesus revealed Jesus, to those who are hurting the most. I just love what God is calling you to do and what your ministry is.

Christina Perera (19:48):
Oh, thank you so much. Well, it’s, it’s a pleasure and it’s an honor. And you know, if you listen to, you know, what I, what I write when I preach what I teach, I just really believe Jesus is worthy of it all. I I do what I do out of an abundance of gratitude. And I’m just in awe in a wonder, in an absolute, ridiculous love that he first loved me with. And you know, I think when we, I, I love, I love what you’re equipping and it’s so funny because before we talked, I was like, if you have testimonies from Tanzania and I had no idea, that’s where you guys were working at, wow, that is so cool. Actually

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:34):
Be going to Tanzania. I just bought my plane tickets yesterday and we’re doing a, a large evangelistic campaign in a city where we’ll have anywhere from 40 to 50 people each night coming to hear about Jesus. And I go to different nations, all the world just recently, I was in Ethiopia and we did a large crusade. One night, we had about 7,000 people there. And I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof. And I remember that when I finished the sermon, I saw some people that left the back of the crowd. And as a preacher, you always kind of feel bad when people leave like that because, oh man, I did a bad job preaching, but I saw them leave. But then like 10 minutes later, I saw those same people come back and they were carrying a bed.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:26):
And so the same way that the four friends brought someone on a bed to Jesus, they brought a bed and carried it over across the top of the crowd and laid that bed right in front of the platform because the person that they brought needed healing. And so we prayed and God did a tremendous miracle. I, I was in February, I was in Sierra Leone in Africa and we were in a little village. There was a boy, he was about seven years old and he was deaf in his left ear. And I told all the people, I said, take your hands and place it on your potty, your Bart body, where there’s pain. And, and so does the mother of this little boy, she took her hand and she placed it on her son’s ear. And we were praying for the sick. And as we were praying a black growth or like a black rock fell out of the boy’s ear into her hand.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (22:25):
And she said it was gross. She shook it off her hand and it fell to the ground. And then she tested her boys hearing in her boy that had been deaf for two years in that year was completely restored. He was able to hear, and he showed in front of the whole crowd that he was able to, to hear. And in every one of the CRA the village are clapping and dancing and shouting because they knew that God had done a miracle in that little boy’s life. They all knew him. They knew the problem that he had had. And so it was really a creative miracle as we were praying, God caused this growth to fall out of his ear, into his mother’s hand. And so we’ve seen miracles like that and all over the world. And, and, and what I like to say is that miracles are like the dinner bell that draw people to the banqueting table of heaven.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:16):
And so when people see the miracles, they, they, they see what Jesus is, is doing. It reveals Jesus in a very tangible way to them. And then people are willing to give their lives to Jesus, even people that, that are from other religions, Muslims, and Hindus, and, and other religions, they see the miracles and they say, wow, Jesus is real. I need to meet this Jesus. And so I’ve got all kinds of pictures and testimonies on my website, king You know, if people want to go there and look at all the pictures, they can see videos, you can see the miracles with your own eyes, what God is doing in different parts of the world.

Christina Perera (23:57):
Oh, I love that so much. You know, I, I love that Jesus is still so relevant today. You know, some people try to make him not relevant, or, you know, he’s not healing, or he’s not doing miracles. Like as long as humanity has a need, Jesus is still reaching out. He’s still healing. He’s still loving. He’s still ministering. He’s still calling us at the well, you know, he’s still revealing that he sees us and he loves us. And despite everything, isn’t that beautiful. It

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:34):
Is beautiful. And I like how Jesus at the well, with the Samaritan woman, he ministered to this woman. And she was a woman that had a lot of problems in her life. I’ve done some research into that story. And I found out that back then women would go to the well to get water either in the morning or in the evening. And they would all go together like today. You know, girls always go to the bathroom together. Well, back then, they always all went to the well together. They would gossip and they would talk while they were getting water. Well, this woman was there at the well at the noon time when the sun was high in the sky by herself. And it was because she had had five husbands. And the man she was living with was not her husband. She had stolen half the men in the village.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:18):
She had broken her relationships, but it was that woman who was hurting, who was broken, who needed love that Jesus was able to reach out to. And when he ministered to her, it changed her life. She ran back into the village and said, come and see a man who told me everything I ever did it. And she brings the whole village back to meet Jesus. And then it’s really interesting to the response of the, the disciples they had. They went into the village, but they didn’t bring a single person back to meet Jesus and Jesus, you can tell he’s a little bit upset at them. He says, lift up your eyes. Don’t you see the harvest? You say four more months until the harvest I tell you, the harvest is now, the harvest is ripe. And I think that’s what Jesus would say to us as a church today that the harvest is ripe. People are ready to come to Jesus. If we will just go and tell them about Jesus and I actually have several resources that I give away for free about reaching people for Jesus. So, you know, on my website, king, if people will go there and, and give me your email address I will send you free of charge. Several of my eBooks about witnessing, about evangelism, about reaching people for Jesus, just tools will help you to, to lead other people to Jesus.

Christina Perera (26:48):
Nice. I love that so much. That’s beautiful. And, and it’s interesting because you know, that that woman at the well really became the first to be AngelList, but it,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:59):
And she’s a woman evangelists. God can use women evangelists.

Christina Perera (27:04):
Yes, absolutely. And you know, I think, you know, it’s not the gender that matters the male or the female. It’s, it’s the heart who’s encountered Jesus. Yeah. Those are the hearts. That’ll like you said, run into the village and bring others back better than these

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (27:22):
12 professional preachers. The 12 disciples that followed Jesus. I mean, they had seen Jesus do all of these miracles. They saw Jesus open blind eyes and heal the sick. And you, you know, there were people in the village that, that needed healing and they didn’t bring anyone back to Jesus. They didn’t say, Hey, oh, there’s a cripple man. You need to come and meet Jesus and he’ll heal you. No, but there’s one woman. She goes into the village and, and she manages to get the entire village to come and meet Jesus.

Christina Perera (27:49):
I love it. Love it, love it so much. Like, you know, just that one encounter with Jesus. It’s, it’s beautiful. So yes. Thank you so much for mentioning those resources. And again, I will totally put them up on the show notes for our listeners to help them get there. And that’s beautiful because I think sometimes we run a, we want to run into the village, but we’re not always sure how, you know, and I think just realizing that our own starting place with Jesus, our own, our own moment of the well is our starting point, you know?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:27):
Yes. Ma’am. Yeah. I’d like to mention another resource that I just published. That that’s really been on my heart lately. It’s, it’s a brand new book called proof. God is real. And I wrote this book specifically to help people to reach atheists. And the reason I wrote it is we go to all these different nations around the world and we see thousands of people pray with us for salvation. But I began to ask God, what can we do to reach people here in the United States? And I was at one little church in Missouri, and this mother came up to me and she was crying and say, please, could you pray for my son? And I thought her son was sick or something. So I said, let’s pray. And I said, what’s the matter he was saying? He said, well, he started looking at some videos on YouTube and following some atheists on Twitter.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (29:18):
And because of that, he has decided that he is an atheist. He was raised as a Christian, but now he’s decided to be an atheist. And so my heart just broke for that mom and I began to, I asked her for his phone number. I reached out to him and ministered to the, to the son. But then because of that, I began to research. What can we do to reach atheist people that in our own society that have decided that there is no God, they’re looking for proof that there is a God. And if they don’t find proof, they’re willing to turn their backs on Christianity. Even young people sometimes raised in Christian homes, they go to college, they face someone who has a few doubts and then they decide to turn their back on God, because they don’t have proof that God is real.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (30:06):
And so that’s why I wrote the book proof. God is real because I want to reach atheist here in America. And I also want to help protect our young people to inoculate them against the spirit of atheism. And so if you know someone who’s an atheist, this would be a great book to get for them. Or if you have a a young teenager in your home and you want to give your teenager reasons for why we believe this would be a great book to put in your teenager’s hand, before they go to college, they need to read it before they leave for college. And so that book proof God is real. It’s available on my website, king, or you can find it on Amazon, just look for proof. God is real by Daniel King and you’ll be able to find it. But I, this is hot off the president is something that’s really on my heart because we need to do something to reach the people here in America. Yes, God is working in different nations around the world. But when you look at what is happening here in America, it just breaks the heart of God. And I believe we need a new great awakening of people turning back to God here in America. And I believe that that God can do it. He will do it. But he needs us to, to go after atheist and to love them back into the kingdom of God.

Christina Perera (31:26):
Yes. And, you know, I always tell people that one of the greatest mission fields is right here in the United States. I’ve just found there such people may have been raised in Christian homes, but they’ve never encountered a real Jesus through the power of the holy spirit. And I think that that is one of the best ways to inoculate against, you know, some of that, some of that thinking, you know, it’s hard, it’s hard to say to somebody, you know, that God’s not real when you’ve encountered them, encountered him yourself, you know, nobody could ever say to me, you know, Jesus doesn’t exist. That’d be like, dude, you’re crazy

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:06):
Because you know, you have a relationship with him.

Christina Perera (32:10):
Exactly. And just encountering him, just like that woman dead at the well, through the power of the holy spirit and him seeing and her seeing that, that, that she is known and loved anyway, despite her failings is so powerful. And it’s beautiful. Before we go, is there anything that you would like to pray for our just bless them and encourage them? It would be amazing if you’d like to. Yeah, absolutely.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:44):
We have talked today about the Samaritan woman at the well that, that Jesus ministered to and talked about people who are atheist and talked about people in different nations that don’t know Jesus, but what I’d really like to pray for, for your listeners is, is anyone in your life that doesn’t know, Jesus, maybe it’s a family member. Maybe it’s a friend. Maybe it’s an aunt, uncle, whoever it is. If you would just speak their name out loud to God right now, and let’s lift them up to God and, and pray for them to be saved, pray that Jesus would be revealed to them. And I believe that that as we pray, our prayers will be powerful and that God will send someone across their path. And so let let’s pray. Dear heavenly father, I pray for all of Christina’s listeners right now.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:39):
Lord, I pray right now, as you’re listening, just speak the name out loud of the person, you know, that needs Jesus, your family member, a friend, someone that is close to you, someone that has turned away from God, just speak their name out loud right now, father, I pray that you would bring someone across this person’s path that would reveal Jesus to them. And Lord, I pray that these atheists, these people that have turned away from God would come back to God that they would come back to the father’s house, that they would turn back to Jesus Lord. I pray that you would make yourself real to them, that they would have a divine encounter with Jesus, with the holy spirit. And Lord, I pray that you would give us the passion in the boldness to be a witness, to, to tell others about Jesus, fill our hearts with your compassion Lord, that we would have the same compassion that Jesus felt when he looked at the people who were lost and helpless like sheep without a shepherd father, fill our hearts with compassion for the loss today, and use us to bring many people to Jesus in Jesus name.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (34:57):
Amen, man, man, I’m so glad to have the opportunity to pray for you today. You know, I’m passionate about leading people to Jesus. If you want to help us lead people to just go to my website, king, and you can find lots of information about how you can be a part of helping us to lead people to Jesus in order to go to different nations around the world often it’s expensive to do crusades. And so we have partners and friends that help us out. And, and I’ve found that for every dollar that people give us, we’re able to lead at least one person to Jesus over the course of our ministry. Every time someone’s given us a dollar, we’ve been able to lead at least one person to Jesus for that. And so I ask people, I say, if you could just give $1 a month, if you just become a like for $1 a month, you could be responsible for starting a party in heaven every single month. And so I ask people, you know, just go to my website, king, you know, give at least $1 a month. You know, some people can give more, but if you could do at least $1, you could have a massive impact in someone’s life for eternity. So man, Christina, thank you so much for, for inviting me on the podcast. It’s, it’s such a privilege to talk to you today.

Christina Perera (36:10):
Thank you so much for being here with me today. And I hope, and I pray that this has blessed our listeners and I hope it’s encouraged them to just take their stories and encounter people, right, where they are.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (36:23):
Thanks for listening to The Evangelism Podcast today. I want to ask you to partner with me, to help lead people to Jesus for as little as a dollar a month, you can be responsible for helping us lead at least one person to Jesus every single month. Over our 20 years of ministry, we’ve found that it costs an average of about $1 for every person that we’re able to reach. And so if you could just go to king and partner with us for at least $1, just $1 partner with us to help us lead people to Jesus. Imagine for a dollar you can be responsible for starting a party in heaven every single month. And would you do me a favor go to apple iTunes and leave this podcast a review. Your positive review will help other people who are excited about evangelism to find this show. Thanks so much. And God bless you

Evangelism Podcast Host (37:26):
For more information about how to share your faith or to financially support our worldwide evangelistic outreaches. Visit king Again, that’s king


The post Christina Perera | A Passion for Revealing Jesus appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.

Mike Signorelli | Giving Atheists Proof God is Real Mon, 31 May 2021 00:27:08 +0000 Mike Signorelli is the founder and lead pastor of V1 Church in New York City. He used to be an atheist but a friend led him to the Lord over the course of a year. In today’s podcast, we talk about my new book designed to rescue atheists from hell. The book is called Proof […]

The post Mike Signorelli | Giving Atheists Proof God is Real appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.

Mike Signorelli is the founder and lead pastor of V1 Church in New York City. He used to be an atheist but a friend led him to the Lord over the course of a year. In today’s podcast, we talk about my new book designed to rescue atheists from hell. The book is called Proof God is Real.


Proof God is Real is a great book to give to atheists and it is a good book to give to your teenagers before they leave for collage so they will not lose their faith the first time they hear someone challenge Christianity.

Buy the Book:


Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Mike Signorelli is the founder and lead pastor of V1 church in New York city. He used to be an atheist, but a friend led him to the Lord over the course of a year in today’s podcast. We talk about my new book designed to rescue atheists from hell. The book is called PROOF God is real.

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:23):
Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be welcome to the evangelism podcast with Dr. Daniel King we’re Daniel interviews, full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host missionary and evangelist Daniel King.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:00):
Hi, this is Daniel King and missionary evangelists, and I’m passionate about leading people to Jesus. Recently, I was invited to be on a podcast with pastor Mike singer reli from V1 church in New York city. And we talked about how to reach atheists with the gospel. It was such a great interview that I decided to give it to you on my podcast. So here is pastor Mike interviewing me about my new book proof. God is real.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (01:35):
Hey, this is pastor Mike Signorelli, the lead pastor of V1 church coming at you live from Queens, New York city. I know you can’t tell cause over my shoulders, just a white wall and it usually I’m walking the streets of New York city going live. But I’m in studio today because I have a very special guests and I am so excited for him to jump in here in the next few minutes, Dr. Daniel King, I know many of you have a friends and family members that have stopped believing they’ve left the faith. We’ve even seen high profile theologians recently, renounced Christianity and walk away and post emotional videos where they’re crying and talking about how relieved they are, that they’re no longer a Christian. How many of you know that it is more important now than ever that we get the word out and that we confront the spirit of atheism? You know we know that we are fighting a spiritual battle and yes, we must be equipped on an intellectual level on an emotional level, but we cannot forsake the spiritual reality to what we’re seeing today. Guys, I know today is going to be off the charts and here’s why I am only 40 seconds in and we have 110 people watching already. But if this is a spiritual battle, I need everybody to do their part because we don’t have audiences. We have armies, okay. And all have a position and they all have an assignment. So here’s your assignment right now. I need you to hit the share button. If you’re a part of this army who believes that we need to put the truth out there for the entire world to hear and confront atheism because this spirit has robbed so many people of their destiny.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (03:18):
So many people have their calling. So many it’s ravaged families, and we’re going to make the devil pay today. Like we are literally going to fight back. We are not just a defensive army. You know, when you look at the the armor of God, it is not just defensive. We have the sword of the spirit we’re fighting back today. We have almost 200 people watching in the first two minutes. So I need you all to share right now. I’m serious. I need you to subscribe on YouTube, hit that subscribe button, hit the gray thumbs up, make it blue. And then on, on Facebook, any and every group that you’re a part of, like literally, if you’re a part of a mommy’s group in your neighborhood’s share this because we’re talking about atheism and there’s going to be moms in your neighborhoods that are a part of your Facebook mommy group that are like, you know what I used to believe, but now I don’t, I’ll check this out.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (04:11):
Maybe you’re watching right now because someone already shared guys is go time. We’ve got 200 people watching in the first two minutes. Come on. You know, let me just tell you, I want to prophesize just to start this thing off. Okay. And we need to start praying the prayers that sound like prophecy because that’s an activation of faith. Okay? I believe that during this broadcast, a spiritual blindness will, will be eradicated. That eyes will be opened. That scales will be removed. I mean, you guys know my story. I used to be an atheist myself and God, just miraculously and divinely connected me to a man named Lamont King black. This is his real name. And he was an Ivy league, educated theologian. I moved into a house during college. Didn’t even know that I was moving in with a theologian. I brought all of my worries, all of my concerns, all of my problems with scripture, the discrepancies that I saw to this man and over the course of the, of the year, this random guy that I moved in.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (05:16):
But how many of you know, there’s no coincidences in the kingdom of heaven, just divine confirmation, divine appointments. And over the course of the year, Lamont King black, this random guy moved into, but it wasn’t so random. Begin to take me on a journey of dealing with all of my questions, all of my concerns, all of the things that I struggled with in scripture. And I found myself one year later re rededicating my life to Christ. The rest is history. Now you guys know me as pastor Mike, so today’s broadcast. I’m going to prophesied. I’m going to declare it now. Before this broadcast is over, I believe that we will see in the chat, come on. People who are, are literally saying, I started this broadcast in atheist and I left a believer, a true believer. So we are on a mission today, guys.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (06:07):
And I want you to lift up your faith, like never before. Somebody says in the chat, look at this comment, a Saul becoming Paul, come on watching from Mississippi. I even saw some of the comments right now. I can’t even keep up with them. They’re going crazy. I even saw some of the comments right now saying that you jumped over to Facebook just to share and that you are and, and now you’re going back to YouTube. So some of you guys are, are such powerful warriors that you’re going over to Facebook, literally, just to share it to all your groups. And then you are coming back to Facebook or YouTube rather. So wherever you’re watching from now, thank you guys for texting and sharing. Man, this is going to be such a powerful broadcast today, man, we’ve already got almost 400 people within the first five, six minutes, which is so powerful.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (06:59):
I believe many more are coming in. Here’s the woman to do Dr. King Daniel King. I’m about to bring him in there. He is. And so here’s what I want you guys to do live at lunch family. I want you to give a warm welcome. I want to see the chat absolutely blow up. Dr. King is an international evangelist missionary. He’s spoken, I believe in over 70 countries. He’s an author. He is a powerful voice of the gospel to all people. And I just met him for the first time minutes ago. But I can tell you this, you are in for a treat today. So I want to see the chat go. Absolutely buck wild, crazy, welcoming him to the family today. Dr. Daniel King. Welcome.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:46):
Wow. It is good to be here with you. Thank you so much for having me on

Pastor Mike Signorelli (07:50):
Ma tell everybody where you’re watching from today.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (07:53):
I am in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I am on a mission from God to lead atheist to Jesus Christ. I believe that God loves atheist. God wants atheists to go to heaven. And so we need to do everything we can to reach them and tell them about Jesus.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (08:13):
And I absolutely believe that he loves atheist because I was one of those atheists that he loved. Matter of fact, things to everybody in the chat for showing so much love to Dr. Daniel King. So you don’t tell me a little bit about this burden that you have for atheist. You know, where did that come from? What’s the origin story, you know how did that get birth in your heart?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:37):
Well, I am a missionary evangelist. I’ve traveled to over 70 nations around the world, preaching to people about Jesus. We’ve seen over 2 million people come to Jesus in our services, large evangelistic crusades like Billy Graham used to do. And we would go to Hindu nations and Muslim nations, and we would see God do tremendous miracles in those places. Then I came back here to America and I was speaking at churches here in America. And one time I was at this little church in Missouri, this, this woman came up to me. She says, please, please, can you pray for my son? I thought her son was sick or something. And so I said, well, what does he need prayer for? And he says, he is an atheist. He started watching videos about atheism on YouTube. He started following different atheists on Twitter and they influenced his thinking.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (09:33):
And my son who was raised in a Christian family, wandered away from God and I grabbed her by the hand and I began to pray for him. And then she gave me his, his blog site. I went and looked at it and it ended up having some, some conversations with him about Jesus and about Christianity, about why he felt pulled away from growing up in a Christian home, into becoming an atheist. And he asked some really good questions. And so I began to research, why is it that some people are turning towards atheism? And because of all these questions, I began to research. I wrote a book it’s called proof. God is real. And so many atheists are looking for proof. They want proof. They said, if you can give me proof that all believe in God, but without proof, I just dismiss all of it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:23):
So I said, well, what proof is there that, that God does exist? And that Jesus Rose from the dead. So I took all that proof. I put it in this book in this book actually has a two fold purpose. The first purpose of the book is to lead atheists to Jesus, to help them come into a to knowledge that there is a God, that Jesus is his son, that Jesus Rose from the dead to pay the price for our sins. But then also I wrote this book for people that are raised in Christian homes, young men and women who maybe they went to Sunday school, their whole life. Then they go to college and they fall away from their faith because of the first time experiencing it and hearing different questions that would challenge their faith. And so there is a disease called atheism and we need to inoculate our young people against that disease, vaccinate them. And, and the way to do that is by reading this book proof, God is real well. I’m so good.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (11:26):
Glad you mentioned the book because here’s the reality. Our kids are being exposed to the YouTube videos because unfortunately the, the church didn’t get to him first, right? It’s like, you know, and what my story was being raised in, you know, really like a charismatic Pentecostal church where man, a lot of good hearted people, but they didn’t speak to matters concerning the intellect. And primarily we spoke about things, you know, emotional, overcoming conquering things in our life, getting free from things. But I didn’t know that the Bible could stand the scrutiny of, you know, scholarship. I didn’t know that there was an intellectual side and from my, my story, and this may be, I featured some comments. People were saying, you know, this is my kid. This is my son. You know, I have the same story. It was like, if in my mind, I literally said, ignorant people believe God exists and intelligent people don’t.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (12:23):
And that was when, when I became an adult, was that simple because I had that cliche experience where I went to a secular college and I took the biology courses. I actually had a girlfriend at the time who was a pre-med student. And so I took the bio courses with her and I had professors use their position at that college to tell an auditorium full of students. Literally, God doesn’t exist. Just like the movie I witnessed that God’s not dead type of experience if you guys have seen the movie, but that led me on a journey myself of really wanting to know whether things are real. And so for me, my story again, and I said it in the beginning of the broadcast was meeting this, this, you know, Ivy league educated scholar who said, no, actually the Bible can stand the test intellectually as well. And so, as you were compiling and researching for the book, what were some of the things that you looked at and said, okay, this just needs to be known people aren’t talking about this. Maybe they’re not preaching about it from their pulpits on Sunday, but I’m going to put this in the book. What are some, some highlights?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (13:30):
Yeah. So much preaching is emotional, which is wonderful. We need to love God with all of our hearts, but we also are challenged to love God with all of our mind. And so I think there is an intellectual side to loving God and in knowing who God is and in thinking. And so the three biggest questions that I think that our generation is asking today that I answer in this book. The first question is, is God there? The second question, does God care in? The third question is, do I dare to follow him? Now, the first thing we have to answer is God, there is he really there in before you can believe in Jesus or believe that Jesus died for our sins or that Jesus can save you first. You just need to accept that there is a creator who created everything, which we can see.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (14:26):
And so the first step is dealing with this question is God there. And then once you find out that God is there, then start to deal with the question. Does God care? Sure. Maybe there’s a God out there in the universe somewhere, but does he care for me as an individual that does he look at me or is he like a, a giant man looking down at an aunt? It doesn’t care about us as individuals. And I think the proof that God cares is in the life of Jesus, Jesus was God manifest here on earth and everything that Jesus did came from his father. And so when we look at the life of Jesus and the death of Jesus, and then the resurrection of Jesus, we can see that God does care for us as individuals. Then we come to that point where you have to make the decision.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:14):
Do I dare to follow him? Okay. Yes, there’s a God. Yes, he does care about me. Can I take that step of faith? And that’s a really difficult step to make, to, to, to actually trust God, to help us to save us. And so what’s really interesting is that all three of these questions are answered in one verse in the Bible, Hebrews 11, six says, without faith, it’s impossible to please God, because everyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him. And so this verse tells us that he exists. That answers. The question is God, there in this verse tells us he’s a rewarder of those who seek him. And that tells us he rewards people. So he does care about you as an individual. He loves you, pastor Mike, and he cares about you. That’s the reason he saves you. So, and then the third question, do I dare? Well, it says, well, faith, it’s impossible to please God. So we have to put our faith and trust in him. We have to say, God, I trust you for salvation and cry out to Jesus. They, Jesus saved me. And when we do that, then he saves us and he gives us the reality of his presence in our lives. That’s it.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (16:30):
I love this comment in the chat while you were breaking that down, Amy says I’m a biology major. And I see God under the microscope. I can’t deny him. And I know for me, there’s a quote that I often reference. It says like your first, your first gulp from the glass of science will make you an atheist. But if you drink the entire glass, you’ll believe in God. And for me, that was my story. It was like the first time I started to delve into science, I thought, Oh wow, God doesn’t exist. But the deeper I went on that journey, I began to discover that in fact, science is pointing to God. You know, we talk about the fine tuning of the universe and how, if we’re like, you know, one degree off in any direction, then we would either the planet earth would not be able to sustain life at either be too hot or too cold.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (17:19):
You know, we talk about astrophysicists like Dr. Hugh Ross that can say, Hey, when we, when we look at the cosmos, we see the intentionality of God. There’s just no way that this could be random. And he breaks down these very in-depth long mathematical equations, which we will not get into today. And so, as I continued my journey in science, I realized, wow, science was actually confirming what the Bible said the entire time. And just because my local church did it talk, it didn’t mean that there weren’t resources out there, like the book that you have. And so, you know, for me, the reason why we’re doing this broadcast, the reason why I have the YouTube channel, the reason why we have this book resource available today is because I’m reading dozens upon dozens of comments of many of you saying, this is my family.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (18:10):
This is my friend. This is my dad. These are the people in my life. Who’ve gone down that rabbit trail that they’ve watched these, you know, these, these videos. And I tell this to people all the time. My background is I actually have an English degree and I used to teach advanced placement composition and argumentation. And you can argue the wrong idea in such a way that it’s so convincing that you can deceive people. And we see, you know, Hitler did that. Whereas I clearly Hitler’s ideology was wrong, but he was so good at crafting an argument that he was able to convince an entire nation. And so we see that a lot of these YouTube videos, they’re, they’re so good at crafting an argument around deception. And I like how Dr. King, you, you pointed it back to the knee, the need for faith, because we’ve been teaching about the Holy spirit. And I’m telling you many of you watching right now that you cannot, you cannot do this on argumentation alone. I believe for me, I was able to get the information I needed, but I needed more than information. I needed revelation. And I believe that happened by the Holy spirit who is really breaking it down for me and wooing me. So what, what do you see you know, Daniel’s, you’re kind of on your journeys. How do you see the Holy spirit at work in the lives of people who struggle with their faith?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:34):
Absolutely. We need to have the help of the Holy spirit acts. One eight says you shall receive power after the Holy spirit comes upon you to be a witness to the uttermost ends of the earth. And for many people they’re wondering how can I reach in atheists? My coworker is an atheist and he’s just mad at God, or, or how can I reach my, my son or daughter who, who went away to college and came home and doesn’t believe in God anymore. How can I reach them? And so we need the power of the Holy spirit to, to know what to say. And I think it really begins by listening to people and finding out what their issues are, what they’re dealing with. Often when people become atheists, it it’s, it’s not an intellectual thing. They, they justify it intellectually, but often it’s because of deep, emotional issues.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:29):
Maybe they were hurt by the church. Maybe someone who is a Christian with a hypocrite and did something to them. And then they begin to justify these feelings by, by going to the intellectual side. And so sometimes people get, make a mistake of going too intellectual. It just trying to win arguments with people. But our goal is not to win arguments. Our goal is to win souls. And so that’s where the Holy spirit comes in. The Holy spirit is the one who gives us the wisdom of what to say, how to say it when to listen, when to gently share information. And so we have to listen to the Holy spirit because really it comes down to the presence of God helping us and bringing his presence into these conversations with atheist. And so we can’t come at reaching atheist from a position of intellectual superiority or trying to, to, to intellectually argue someone into Christianity that really works. We have to come at it from a position of love and acceptance and saying, God loves you. God has a plan for your life. And even if they reject the idea of God, say, you know, your creator has a plan for you. He created you with a purpose. And so this book will help people to share their faith in an intellectual way, but also with love motivated by the presence of the Holy spirit.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (22:02):
I love that so much. And I think it’s more important than ever that we show the love of Christ because you’re right, the hurt goes so deep. And once you put someone on the defensive where they feel like they have to actually defend themselves, now you’ve become adversarial. Right now, you’re in an argument. And for me, I’ve learned the importance of listening, being a good listener. You know, the funny thing is, and this is a tool I want to give to the different parents that are watching right now is even when you ask questions, you’ll get people to unpack what they think. I’ve actually had several situations with young people where I said, well, tell me what you believe. And the more questions I ask and the more they try to articulate it, the more they start to come to the realization that they have no idea what they’re talking about.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (22:49):
And I’ve actually been able to open people’s hearts to the gospel by just asking a more like, well, I want to learn, I want to learn your beliefs. I want to learn your perspective. Tell me what you think and the deeper they go. They get to this moment where they’re like, I have, I, yeah. I, I guess I never, and the Holy spirit has actually used that. And I don’t go on the attack mode in that way, but it’s just like, Hey, well, it sounds like you’re still trying to figure it out, you know, and I want to be here and I’ve had a lot of great opportunities with that as well. Hey, if you guys are really receiving from this, can you just drop a comment right now and just talk to us, let us know w you know, come on, this is so good.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (23:31):
I love these chat. Let me feature this comment. It says Dr. King, you have hit the nail on the head. Intellectual superiority and past hurt equals atheism so many times. So many times you see this, look at this Janice, Dr. King is speaking so much truth and how to witness the non-believers. Someone’s actually watching from Kenya right now. It’s so good to have you watching from Kenya, man. This is amazing. Someone says starting the conversation, my someones in no more and just didn’t know, man, I am so thankful for YouTube. I’m so thankful for Amazon. I’m so thankful for the books as resources like you have, because it’s just an opportunity to open up the door. You know growing up in, in a small, you know, just a small storefront church, it felt like it, you know, we had the Christian bookstores at the time and just so few limited resources, but we live in a time like never before where the resources are out there.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (24:30):
Marissa says this intellectually, my study of science for my master’s degree, led me to know that there was a divine design and we only discover of what God did, man. You know, I know you may not know this Dr. Daniel, but we actually have many members of the medical community that watch every day. As a matter of fact, a shout out to Diana, if you’re watching, she has a whole nurse facility and oftentimes at lunch, they put this broadcast on and we have we’ve even had doctors do surgeries while this broadcast was going, which I didn’t even know you could do that, but I’d rather have the word of God being declared during a surgery than anything. But I want to do this, if you’re all right with this I’d like to ask what questions you have. You guys have two men of God, two, two men that have devoted their life to studying and having conversations and declaring the word of God. So if there’s a question that you have in the chat, I love to create an opportunity for those questions to be answered. Is that, are you okay with trying to take a few questions?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:33):
Sure. Let’s go for it. And another thing I’d like to do is I’d like to pray for people who are atheist. And so if you know someone who’s atheist or someone who’s dealing with doubt, throw their first name up there in a comment. And in just a few moments, let’s pray for them and pray that God would make a way for you to reach people who are dealing with atheism.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (25:54):
Yes, absolutely. Unbelieving. So many of you have come to this broadcast on a daily basis, and you have seen me pray for people. Medically verifiable miracles happen right in the chat. It’s very hard to remain an atheist like in these kinds of environments. So many of you have received a word from God where I read your name from a screen and said something that there’s no way I could have ever known. And I’ve even met you in person, whether it was in California or Chicago at our events. And people came up to me, pastor Mike, there’s no way you could’ve known. And so I’ll ask you to do this put their name in there. We want to pray for them, but even tag them on social media, because something may or may be happening even in their heart. Even while they’re watching. Peter says, you know, Jacob, someone says my son, Tristin someone else says to Stephanie, I see these names.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (26:46):
We’re getting ready to pray. And I want you to just stir up your faith, tag them in the chat. Now come on. Somebody says, Travis, Eric crystal, these are precious lives. Yvonne says, pray for Larry. My brother come on, Melanie, just tag Latitia. Andrew, come on, look at all these names. This is incredible guys. It’s so important. It’s so important. We’re getting ready to pray here in a little bit, but before we pray, I want to take some questions. And here’s why I want to give the next couple of minutes for the people that you tagged to join into this broadcast. Because I believe that some of you who have come in doubting some of you who are in doubt, or maybe you’re like pastor Mike I know that God is real, but man, I was hurt by a pastor. I know God is real, but I allowed a couple of YouTube videos or whatever to, to rock me off of my foundation.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (27:37):
But man, I’ve seen too much and I need to come home. I want to create that space for you to say, that’s me. That’s me. So let me see if there’s any questions. Let me feature this one, this question it says, where do I go to find the in between a culture and the Bible and biblical history? Also, what do we say when people say that there’s lost books of the Bible. So Dr. Daniel King, what, you know, people oftentimes will say, you know, the book of Enoch, this loss book, how do I know people refute the Bible? Like where do we find good resources to really study the scriptures and study the Bible historically?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (28:17):
Well, first I’d recommend getting my book proves God is real. This will help you deal with many of the most common questions which are asked. And I think a lot of the questions that that people ask sometimes are red herrings. They’re, they’re, they’re not actually interested in knowing about the, the book of Enoch. They’re just interested in, in opening up a conversation. And so be patient with their questions. Say, if you don’t know, just be honest about it and say, I don’t really know, but let me, let me go look, you know, let me, let me look something up on it for you, but then just stay, keep that friendship going, keep that conversation going, you know, answer their question, but keep bringing people back to the, the big ideas that there is a God and Jesus is his son. And that Jesus loves you cares for you. He has a plan for your life, that it doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past. You can have a wonderful future with Jesus that everyone who calls on Jesus will be saved from their sins. That Jesus died on the cross to pay their price for our sins and that he, he Rose from the dead. And so wherever people are, I’ll start with them with their question, but then I’ll keep trying to bring them back to the, the main truth, which is trying to introduce them to Jesus.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (29:38):
And I want to add to that because I want to tell story right now in this story, just a quick story, that was going to illustrate what Dr. Daniel King is saying. So I got invited to do a funeral for a Satanist one time. This is a true story. It was many, many years ago. And I showed up, you know, in a suit and I’m pastor Mike and I do this funeral service. Now, when I showed up this young, you know, this young woman had passed away tragically and on the television where a series of pictures of her, you know, in her entire friend group, all in black drinking, Jack Daniels whiskey, you know, and, and they’re living their life. And I thought this is probably one of the hardest funeral services that I will ever have to do in my life. And I was just trying to, to really do, do what the family wanted me to do because they were not Satanists obviously.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (30:32):
And when I got done with it I, I felt, I, you know, I saw all of the people you know, all the young people and they had, they were covered in tattoos and they were wearing, you know, they were goth. And I remember telling one of my friends at the time, I said, you know, I have tattoos from my time in my rock and roll days or whatever. I wish I would have showed up looking like them. I wish that I could have related to them more. And maybe they would, would’ve let their guard down. And he said something to me that was so powerful. He said, don’t think that you can add one ounce to the power of the gospel by your appearance. And I believe that I needed to hear that because oftentimes we think, well, if I could just look a certain way, or if I can sound, if I could just dial it in and say it perfectly, but we try to add to the power of the gospel by our appearance.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (31:23):
Or we try to add to the power of the gospel by our presentation, if I just know more scientific facts or more biblical historical facts and those things help. But I love what you’re saying, Dr. Daniel King, because it’s like, Hey, we don’t add to the power of the gospel. You know, because ultimately a Holy spirit is going to do it. So I, so many of you I think are paralyzed by like, Oh, but my son is so much smarter than me or my husband is so much smarter. They they’re, I can’t compete. No, you just keep bringing it back to the gospel because the gospel in and of itself is powerful because the Holy spirit will do it. I wanted to feature a comment real quick, and then we’re getting ready to pray. Here’s a question though. And this one, I know that I get all the time. I’d love for you to try to tackle. It says I’m new into dating and should I not be dating an atheist at all? There are so many good people, but they’re atheist. And I get this question all the time. Doctor, would you try to tackle this one? It’s a tough question.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (32:26):
Well, the Bible says do not be on equally yoked. And so if you are standing on a chair and there’s someone down below, what is easier to do for you to pull the person up to the chair or for them to pull you down from the chair. And I think there’s a real danger. Sometimes when people start dating atheist, they think, Oh, I’m going to be able to reach this person. And then they end up falling in love with them and have years of heartbreak because they’re still atheists. And so what I would do is stay friends with the atheist, lead them to Jesus, and then after they get saved, then start a relationship with them. Come on down

Pastor Mike Signorelli (33:09):
Is so good. So yeah, I completely agree. I just wanted you all to hear it from someone else. Okay.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (33:17):
Sometimes it’s really hard to be in a dating relationship with someone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you. And so if you’re going to be with someone and you’re going to live a godly life you need to make sure they’re on the same page of the Bible as you are.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (33:33):
Absolutely. I just want to, I want to speak to, you know, a lot of you, I was jokingly telling Daniel before we started that many of you call me Papa SIGs, you know, cause my last name is Cigna rally and I’m really like a spiritual father. And I want to speak to many of the daughters that are watching right now. Many of the sons, you know, spiritual sons and daughters, I show up every day, noon Eastern standard time. I’m going live. We’ve built such strong relationships. And I just want to say, don’t believe the lie that there are no other believers out there. You know, the dating field does it doesn’t have to be your mission field. And you actually, you need to believe in faith that God’s going to bring that person your way. So don’t compromise. And, and, and, and don’t try to convince yourself that you can make it right, or you can justify it because they have it in every other area. Matter of fact, the Bible says, seek first the kingdom, and then all these other things will be added onto you. And so just seek first the kingdom and find yourself somebody who’s also seeking the kingdom first and all the all those other things will be added. Okay. Are you mad at me? Don’t be offended.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (34:41):

Pastor Mike Signorelli (34:42):
Here’s what I want to do though. I want to create a little bit of space for the Holy spirit to minister, because you may be watching and somebody tagged you and you’re like, why in the world did they tag me in this? I have no idea who this baldheaded dude in, in Queens, New York city is you know who this guy, Dr. Daniel King is like, why am I even watching this? I believe that you may have stumbled upon this broadcast by divine appointment. And maybe just because a pastor hurt you, or maybe because other preachers have used the name of Jesus to make money or get famous. Maybe because you watched a couple of YouTube videos that confused you on your faith, or maybe you were just burned out by religion. Maybe you went to a parochial school where they forced religion on you and put a bad taste in your mouth.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (35:29):
I, I just want to bring you back to the place where none of that, none of that can silence. Jesus, who speaking to you now through the Holy saying, I love you. I have a destiny for you. I have a plan for you. I have a purpose for your life just because your mom forced you to go to church, just because you know, your dad maybe forced. You doesn’t mean that that God is not real. And I believe in this moment right now, he’s ministering to somebody who’s been struggling. Maybe it’s a father wound. Maybe it’s a pain or hurt in your life, but there’s healing right now. And some of you have been on the brink. Like I want to, I want to encounter God. I know he’s real well, he’s here real right now. And he’ll use a broadcast like this. If that’s you, would you just drop a comment and say, I want to come home. That’s me, pastor Mike, come on. I know we’ve got hundreds of people watching right now. And I believe that there’s, this is a divine appointment. If that’s you, will you just drop a comment and say, me it’s me right now. I want to come home. Maybe you’ve been doubting. Maybe you’ve been struggling with your own doubt because you’re just sick and tired of church people, but don’t let church people stop you From coming into a relationship with Christ from knowing your heavenly father right now. So just drop a comment and say, that’s me. Cause we’re getting ready to pray right now. That’s me. Maybe you just needed a confirmation. Maybe you needed somebody. Oh man, come on. Look at this. Vicky says, that’s me, pastor Mike. Janet says, that’s me, man. You guys are gonna make me cry. Come on that somebody else look at all these cards,

Speaker 4 (37:02):
Comments that’s me right now. That’s me, man. I live for this.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (37:08):
Come on. Danielle says, I want to come home. Joy says that’s me. Y’all I’m John. I’m literally getting ready to cry. This is so powerful. I did not expect that many people. It’s so real. I want to come home to

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Our real home. Wow. Me. Come on, come on

Pastor Mike Signorelli (37:25):
Formation. So many of you, this is powerful. I’m just featuring your name’s on the checks. I want everybody to see on the screen, across Facebook, Periscope, YouTube. This is what digital revival looks like in the middle of the day in New York city, you could be doing anything. Many of you tuned in, and this is a Holy spirit divine appointment. Look at this, come on guys. Just continue to share this broadcast. This is going to happen for the next several days. We’re getting ready to pray. But when I ask you to share into your Facebook groups, when I asked you to text the link, this is why we do this. Because for the next two, three, four days, people are going to keep commenting me. Come on. For many of you who sow into the ministry, this is what you’re sowing into. Look at this. Even on YouTube, it says me, who else I want to come home, please.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (38:09):
You know, Dr. Daniel King is getting ready to lead all of you to Christ. I’m going to turn it over to him in a few. But I wanted to just, I just wanted to just set it. Look at this Kim on YouTube. Me, come on, guys, keep, keep on commenting. This is what we do this for. Somebody says me, I’m coming home. Some of you for the first time, some of you you’re rededicating, come on. Somebody says, my mom is crying. Wow. This is so powerful. Listen. There’s no, there’s no music. There’s no, there’s nothing emotionally provoking you. This is just the Lord. This is the Holy spirit drawing you to him right now. Somebody helped me count what some, one of our team members to all the people who said, that’s me go in and count it. I want to get a count of how many people are coming to Christ. Guys. This is powerful. Keeps here. Now we’re getting ready. Man, look at this. Somebody says, get him, Jesus. Wow.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (39:09):
Well th this is absolutely amazing. And the thing that I was amazed at as how many people earlier were posting the names of atheist, sons, and daughters or friends that they are praying for, this is a real issue in our country. And I think this is what God wants to do. God loves atheist. God loves people and they’re desperately crying out for proof. And so I’m going to pray that God would reveal himself to you right now. Maybe you’ve had doubts. Maybe you’ve wondered. Is there really a God? Can I really trust Jesus? Is there really someone who, who loved me so much that he, he died to pay the price for my sins? Or is that just really religious made up junk? Well, if you’ve had those doubts right now, I’m going to pray that the presence of God would come with you right now and would fill the place where you are at.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (40:04):
And I believe that if you will cry out to Jesus, Jesus will save you from your sin. The Bible says that all have sinned. All of us have made mistakes. And the Bible says that the price for sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus. He died on a cross to pay the price for all the mistakes that you and I made, but he didn’t stay dead. After three days, Jesus Rose from the dead. And today Jesus is alive. He is not dead. He is alive and he will meet you right where you are at. And he will give you a wonderful future. And so right now, if you want to come home to God, the father, if you want Jesus to become a reality in your life, I’m going to lead you in a simple prayer. And I want to ask you to just repeat these words after me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (40:57):
Just repeat them loud enough that you can hear them with your own ears. And as we say these words, I believe you’re going to feel the presence of God. And when you feel the presence of God, you will have all the proof that you need. That God is real. So let’s pray right now. If you want to know that God is real and you want Jesus to save you. Just say this prayer with me. Say, dear God, in heaven, I cry out to Jesus. Jesus save me. I believe there is a God. I believe Jesus on the cross for me, I believe that Jesus Rose from the dead God helped me to overcome. Every doubt helped me to overcome my unbelief. I choose to believe in you. Jesus saved me now. A men, amen. You someone who’s an atheist. I’d encourage you. Go get them a copy of this book.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (42:00):
Proof. God is real. This will answer some of the questions. This will help you to answer their questions. I’ve also got the study guides. You can get the book. You can get the study guide, go to my website, King And I want to help you with reaching people. I’m a missionary evangelist. I go all over the world, telling people about Jesus. And I know that God cares about the atheist in your life. And so if you want to reach them for Jesus, go check out the book. Proof God is real. It’s on Go to my website, King ministries for help on how to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to pastor Mike.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (42:40):
I, yeah. I just want to tell everybody how thankful I am for Dr. Daniel King and his ministry to all of us today. And you know, just such a powerful, powerful call in his life. I mean, look at how many people came home. Here’s the thing. I, I’m asking that somebody from my team get a tally of how many people said me, how many people read dedicated or dedicated their life to Christ in this chat, in this, in this broadcast? Because it was insane. I mean, just seeing the names, I mean, so many of the comments where I’m crying right now, my mother’s cry right now. My dad’s crying right now and I was just watching it go by. And here’s the thing. I know that there’s many more of you that still have questions and it’s a journey. You know, a lot of times we have to, we have to be aware, come on, hear me that this is a journey.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (43:28):
Jesus himself said, nobody builds a house without first calculating the cost. And so when you’re laying that foundation, go on your journey, get the book study and know that you know, that you know that you’re building a firm foundation. So today is was awesome. Like I absolutely off the charts. I’m just, I’m, I’m so encouraged to see how many people on a Tuesday afternoon here in New York are getting saved through this broadcast. We want you guys to stay connected though. It’s so important that you stay connected. You guys can see the chat just going by right now. Why don’t you guys just put a big, thank you to Dr. King in the chat right now, so he can see and I just want to give an opportunity for you guys to you know, find the book, find the resource we’ve been pinning, the comments in the chat so that you guys can go out and get that and just go on your journey, go on your journey.

Pastor Mike Signorelli (44:24):
One thing I love about this family, this spiritual fam that we’ve got is you all love to learn. You love learn. You love to take notes. One of my favorite things every day, really, as I come out of the broadcast and I see your guys as notebooks and I S you know, it’s just, and I get to see your notes from each day because you’re so hungry to learn. And so man, this is so amazing. Well, Hey, I’m going to spend a few more minutes with you guys. Dr. Daniel King. Thank you so much for being a part of the broadcast today. This was off the charts.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (44:58):
Wow. Well, thank you so much for having me on, make sure you go and get Proof God is real. Check out my website, King K I N G King And if I can do anything to help you reach people for Jesus, I want to do that. Pastor Mike Love what you’re doing. Thank you so much. It’s such a privilege to be on the podcast with you today. God bless you. Awesome. Thanks so much for coming out. I’ll see you soon.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (45:27):
Thanks so much for listening today. I am excited about leading people to Jesus. And I want to ask you to partner with me, to help me lead people to Jesus. You know, over the course of our ministry, it’s taken an average of about $1 for every person. We’ve been able to preach the gospel to, as we go to different nations around the world, we invest money in renting a sound system, plane tickets, printing literature in order to follow up on the new believers and for every dollar that people have given us, we’ve been able to lead at least one person to Jesus. And so what I’d like to ask you to do is to go to my website, and become a monthly partner. If you could give just a dollar a month, give $1 a month to help us lead people to Jesus. You could be responsible for starting a party in heaven every single month. The Bible says that all of heaven rejoices when one sinner gets saved. So there’s no better use for a dollar than to lead someone to Jesus. So go to my website and become a partner today. You can start with just a dollar a month, just $1 a month, or you could give more whatever God puts on your heart, but please join with me and help me to reach people for Jesus.

Evangelism Podcast Host (46:50):
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Dan Corse | How Does an Atheist Become a Christian? Thu, 01 Oct 2020 01:01:29 +0000 On YouTube, atheists often share their de-conversion stories about how they became atheists. But on today’s podcast, Dan Corse shares about his spiritual journey from being an atheist to becoming a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. He is interviewed by Evangelism Coach Daniel King, the author of Proof God is Real.  Website: Notes: Dan […]

The post Dan Corse | How Does an Atheist Become a Christian? appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.


On YouTube, atheists often share their de-conversion stories about how they became atheists. But on today’s podcast, Dan Corse shares about his spiritual journey from being an atheist to becoming a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. He is interviewed by Evangelism Coach Daniel King, the author of Proof God is Real. 


Notes: Dan Corse grew up in a Christian home but was not following God. In college he made a friend who was a anthropology major who was a militant atheist and because of the friendship he declared he did not believe in God. He was always looking for answers and since he could not prove there is no God, he became a weak atheist and later he became agnostic. The Holy Spirit began to work in his life, and he became a Christian after having an encounter with God.

Dan reveals the danger of having friends who do not believe in God.

Dan talks about how it is important to always look for answers.

What do you say to someone who is an atheist?

How should a Christians handle the pain and suffering that often occurs in this lifetime?

Key Quote: When I was an atheist, I often asked myself, “What if I am wrong?”


Daniel King(00:00):

This is Daniel King. And I’m excited about leading people to Jesus, especially atheists – people who say that there is no God. And today I have with me a special guest who was an atheist, then he became an agnostic. And now he is a believer. Mr. Dan Course, thank you so much for joining us today to be with you. Tell me about your spiritual journey. You grew up in a Christian home. 


Dan Corse: Yes, my mother was a Christian. 

And then at some point you decided that you were an atheist. How did that happen?


Dan Corse (00:38):

Well, it actually happened at age 15. I was going to a Baptist church where my mother went and I got big enough fruitfully, physically big enough. She couldn’t force me to go anymore. So I finally decided that I don’t want to go here. And the truth of it is when I quit going there, it wasn’t that I was an atheist. I didn’t have any problems so much with God, but I didn’t want God being Lord. I didn’t want Jesus being Lord. I knew there was something about committing my life that I needed to do. But as a result of that, I then took a journey running as far away from God as I could get. And I proceeded to in my late teens, got around an anthropology major and a psychology major who were hard atheist. And I saw that my relationship with them was not going to be very good when I answered their question one time.


Dan Corse (01:28):

And what do you think about God? And they were like horribly offended. My me even bringing that up. And so I began to look at myself because as I said, I’d run away from God, his presence. I had no awareness of, of him in my life. Nothing to me said he really existed. So I said, why am I bothering to even profess this? Something that really is nothing to me. Cause I don’t know this. God, I don’t know anything about him. So I proceeded from that point forward. I said, you know, atheism makes the most sense to me because I don’t know him. Who is he? And I, as I said, I’d gotten so far away. This had been years over a period of years, very dark, very dark time in my life. So I was never aware of God’s presence ever in my life. During that time period,


Daniel King(02:09):

While you were in the university, you got around some friends who didn’t believe that there’s a God. And you said, I didn’t feel that there’s a God anyways. I never feel his presence. So you agreed.


Dan Corse (02:21):

So I basically agreed with him. I thought I’m like, it was more important to be received by them by then, by somebody I really didn’t know. You know?


Daniel King(02:30):

Okay. So you became a hard eighth, as you said, there is no God, but then later you moved from hard atheism to agnosticism. What, what happened?


Dan Corse (02:40):

What happened was this over time period? You know, looking back, I can see now where God was drawing me in my life, but I didn’t know what to call it back then, you know, but I was always looking for answers. I mean, many of us are consistently as nonbelievers are, why am I here? What’s the purpose of this life? Is this all there is, you know, in many ways when I read the book of Ecclesiastes, these, I can see a lot of that in my journey back then those days. Cause it’s like all seem to be vanity. I used to sit and say, well, what does it matter how much I do with my life? Whatever good I do with it in the end is not going to matter anyway, if there is no God and there is no hereafter, what does it matter? It’s all vanity.


Dan Corse (03:21):

It’s just people putting up facades of what they consider to be important, but there’s no greater being at all or anything. So I was continually looking for answers and it wasn’t that I was I wasn’t going to read in the Bible. Like I’ve heard some people say or those sorts of thing. I wasn’t going from church to church. I did look at different philosophies and different religions you know, and beginning to study about them. And it’s just like, eh, none of those really made sense to me either. Kinda like, nah, I don’t like any of the above. So I kept searching in the morning. I kept looking for answers. I came to the place of what someone would call weak atheism, which is basically the idea that, you know I really can’t prove there was a God. I mean, I found it to be an intellectually, a phony perspective to say, well, I, because I say it, therefore it is, well, that’s not true. I mean, because I say it doesn’t make it reality and I couldn’t prove there was no God. So weak atheism became more are, are slipping over into agnosticism where it wasn’t, I didn’t have any faith. I didn’t have any belief, but I also didn’t have any it’s like when I wasn’t saying I could prove there wasn’t either. So I was alone. It was a softening of my heart though. I wouldn’t have looked at it at that way at that time. But that’s what it was


Daniel King(04:36):

Now. You’re not an atheist. You’re not an agnostic. Now you’ve decided to trust Jesus for salvation. How did you come to the point where you became a believer in God?


Dan Corse (04:47):

Well, I’ve now been a believer as of this week, 42 years. So it wasn’t like this yesterday that I became a believer, but also to tell you how I got to the point, as I said, I continued to look like, okay, what is, what is I used to do? A lot of creative writing. My writing was always searching for answers. I would read literature that was about people searching for the truth. You know, I read things like there’s a philosophy philosophic type writings, and I kept reading them, but I didn’t find any true, but that’s, there was a hunger in me to know what, what are we here for? What’s this all about? And then in my life back then, I wouldn’t have known what to call it, but in my life now, I definitely know. After 42 years as a Christian, there was a Holy spirit in my life.


Dan Corse (05:28):

And I just began to have this knowing, not a knowing that I could learn by reading a book, not a knowing. I could know by somebody lecturing me for an hour and a half. Not any of those kind of noise. It was just like this inner knowing that there was beings beyond myself. And I’ll just put it really honestly the way I looked at it as like, I began to know that there’s one being that loves me dearly. I don’t know who he is for all I knew back then it could have been Moe and Larry, you know what I mean? And the other one I knew hated me. And I knew that those two beings we’re working, seeking to do things in my life. One for my good one, not for my good. And so that’s where I began to and I still didn’t have any answers.


Dan Corse (06:10):

I just knew there was something beyond. So at that point in time, I, you know, no longer an agnostic, not saying I had faith, but I didn’t know what I had faith in. You know what I mean? It’s says hi, something higher than myself. Something beyond a human being that I’d gone to church as a child hurt salvation messages. Many time never was born. Again. Never did embrace Christ as savior. As I said early, I didn’t want that Lordship him in my life. Like, no I’ll be bought, you know? And I went to a funeral, my aunt’s funeral, I had to go there and my aunt was a Christian and the pastor I had seen on a float trip and bet around him some and unlike many people in my life, that was my Christian experience before he didn’t shove things at me was just, seemed like he’s a normal human being decent guy.


Dan Corse (06:56):

I liked this guy. So when he began to speak, you know, I was interested to see what is it he has to say, you know? I mean, I haven’t, I wouldn’t go to church, even though I was no longer a, you know, an atheist or agnostic. I still wanted nothing to do with churches because my, my Christian experience like Nick, that’s not the answer. It’s not there. It can’t be there. I was there for 15 years as a kid. I didn’t find it what I wanted there. And, and obviously the enemy deceives us a lot and clouds your mind with the reality of what really was. But anyway, I go to this funeral and he began to give a salvation message. And I had not, as I, as I experienced God’s presence at that time, I had not. I remember all of a sudden it became real to me again, it was like, I remember that experience way back then, presence way back when I was a kid, you know, when I would say things like you’re, my mom would be on my, my father was an alcoholic.


Dan Corse (07:51):

And at that time he didn’t know Christ. And I would say things to my mom like mom, if I could, I would die for dad. I’d rather go to hell and see dad go to hell. Those are the kind of things I said. I mean, obviously those aren’t, that’s not possible, but I mean, that was a young kid trying to show his love for his father and a father who had a lot of challenges and later became a Christian, which is wonderful. But, but that was later much later. And anyway, so I’m, I’m at this funeral. I began to experience the presence of God and yeah, all of a sudden, as I said, he preached a salvation message. And at that moment I believed, and as Paul says in Romans one 16, he said, I’m not ashamed of the gospel of the power of God under salvation for basically you could put it, I’m paraphrasing everyone.


Dan Corse (08:37):

And I believed, and at that point moment in time, it was like, I didn’t know what to call it at that point in time. But it’s like, I went out of there that day. And I myself was an early stage alcoholic at that time. So by that time I’d gotten into the bondage of the dark and I was an early stage alcoholic and looking answers. That was part of my search too, was that I was looking for answers. How do you get freedom from this? How do I get free from that? You know? And that old wheel thing out, I’m going to will it to me. So it didn’t work. And that’s what, that’s what addiction is about. Loss of control. And so anyway, so I go out of there that day and I find myself beginning to say, wait a minute here. I’m talking about God all the time.


Dan Corse (09:18):

And I’m not talking anymore in a philosophical sort of intellectual. It’s in a way of a personal, okay. It’s like, God, this and God that, and I find myself begin to say, well, I really do want to go back to church. I want to start crying. I’m like, but my head would say, who’s that talking? That’s not what you say. You don’t say you want to go back to church. And that’s why you and I understood even from a very, what had happened to me, wasn’t an intellectual thing. On every level, it was something spiritually had happened to me inside. What I know now was made a new creation in Christ the new birth. But anyway, so I I started going to a church again and then I proceeded to go this church and went there for a while. And that was in 19 spring of 1979. And I haven’t quit going to church since. And I thank God for the growth that I’ve seen in my life that growth in grace. And


Daniel King(10:11):

Talk to me about what you would say to an atheist, someone who is looking for proof, that God is real. What would you say to an atheist that you meet? Well,


Dan Corse (10:23):

A lot of it’s going to depend on the atheist. I mean, as you, as you understand, some people are completely closed. There was a time when, if you would have, would try to have this conversation with me. It wouldn’t have gone anywhere because it’s like, well, it’s great that you love people and want to see them know Jesus. I’m not interested in that. Thank you. I’m going out the door. You can go talk to somebody else, but so you have to really be sensitive, sensitive to the Holy spirit and sensitive to what’s going on in the atmosphere around you. I mean, if you see somebody scowling at you, there’s a good possibility. You know, you might want to try a different approach, but then again, if the Holy spirit says, no, keep going that route, then do it. But my, my, my advice would be basically, really get in tune God, what are you wanting me to say to this person?


Dan Corse (11:09):

What are you? Cause some people unlike me, some people simply say the raciest and I’ve met those who, frankly, they’re really not atheist. They’re just trying to post somebody string. They’re trying to yank the chain so to speak. But in my case, I really was. And what I would say is just, you know, don’t preach it. The person don’t shove it at them, ask the person why, what it is they believe, why are you an atheist? What did you, what brought you to this? You know, we know in, in Romans one, it talks about there that, that we all should have the knowledge of God, but some people don’t retain that knowledge of God. They reject it for whatever reason, like me, a couple of people that are atheist, what I’d rather be friends with them. I re I rejected that. And then you get, so when you get away from things, as it says in the scriptures, their foolish heart was darkened.


Dan Corse (11:59):

And that’s what happened in my life. A foolish art was more and more and more darkened till I saw nothing in my life until that period of time again, where, and when I said the Holy spirit began to reveal things, not through the words of others or through books, or, but just to an inner knowing. So I would say, and I would say two, and then two, this is, you know, they often want to argue that they get very adversarial aggressive sometimes when, and I would back in those days, but it’s like a, for a person who is a believer and they’re walking in fellowship with God, they have a knowing that that person has no conception of what you’re talking about. You know, it’d be like me talking about you know, I’m going to make a fake name, Mary Quicken, beard, who lives in Thailand.


Dan Corse (12:50):

And me talking about knowing her, I know nothing about her, I know her name and that’s it. They can talk about God, but they have no understanding about God. They have no conception of what it is to know God or to walk with God. And when it comes to Romans eight 16, one of the beautiful things about that verses it says his spirit, talking about believers, his spirit bears witness with our spirit, that we are his children, you know? And that’s why, w w when I, when I say to them, people that don’t believe it said, you know, look, I’m not trying to be condemning. It’s just, it’s kind of like this. If you spoke to me in Russian, I don’t speak Russian. I have no conception of what you’re talking about. I can get all caught up in human pride and say, well, I know what you mean.


Dan Corse (13:34):

No, I don’t. And then when it comes to bathe theist who are blind and don’t walk in the truth, we know the God of this world has blinded their minds. That’s what he did to me, you know, but when you’re talking to them, they have no way, if you do it calmly, reasonably, and a few of them will still argue then, and you know that, but, but with, with those who are at least thinking, what may be perhaps, could I be wrong? Could I, you know, that was one of the questions I often ask myself too, when I was in my youth is what if I’m wrong? What if I’m wrong? You know? I mean, there is a possibility because I found out long ago, I’m not the fount of all knowledge. I’m not omniscient. I don’t know everything. So what if I’m wrong?


Dan Corse (14:17):

What if I’m wrong? What are the consequences of if I’m wrong? You know? And at that time, I wasn’t even thinking about it about Christian and that aspect of belief system. I was just thinking about wrong terms of God in general, but, but what if I’m wrong, but just letting them know. I think it’s wonderful to hear when I started hearing people, instead of preaching at me, started talking about the blessedness of the relationship with the savior, what that’s like to fellowship with him, you know, to go through a tough time in your life. Like, you know 15 months ago, I lost my only biological son unexpectedly. And well, I tell you what, that’s devastating for a parent to lose their only biological child. And I mean, it was, I mean, I’d never, I’d had lost parents, had lost family members and those sorts of things, friends, but losing my son was, is like, Oh, and my older brother, you know,


Daniel King(15:12):

How did you deal with that? Because that is an extremely painful situation. How did God help you?


Dan Corse (15:18):

Well, that’s, that’s exactly it. And I’m glad you asked the question, but anyway it’s exactly, it goes back to that relationship with he who bears witness with my spirit. I was just very aware of, I was aware of his presence. He was there, comforting, comforting me. I was, I was aware that he was around me. I certainly knew that I did not find, and I was angry at times as, as when you lose your child, like, you know but I didn’t find God picking fights with me or any of that kind of crazy stuff. He was there in a comforting sort of way. And there’s still all that things I don’t understand about it. And let’s be real there’s things we don’t understand about life on this planet. Why did this, why did that, why did this? We are not omniscient, you know?


Dan Corse (16:03):

And, but, but yet what I do know is that he was always there. He’s always been there. He’s comforting me at times what it’s like. And I I’d be literally saying God, I mean, not just talking about crying, but crying and crying out to him and his presence. He, you know, he’s able to comfort you through the power that why it’s the Holy spirit called the comforter because he comforts that’s part of his ministry. He comforts us. So that’s how I got through it. And, and also I find too that second Corinthians talk about that. We can comfort others of that, which we are comforted. So I’ve found that people that are going through those kinds of things, like sit down one at a time. It was a store in st. Louis. Don’t remember the name of the store, sit down on a bench and started talking to a guy and he’d lost his child.


Dan Corse (16:46):

And, you know, and, and in a horrible sort of way as well. And so I was able to, to share with him what God was doing in my life. I saw that my comfort that I’d received from him, God could use that to comfort him too. So that’s just, you know, I don’t hear this. I’m not saying God caused my son to die. That’s not what I’m saying at all. What I’m saying is a horrible thing that I believe the enemy spiritual enemy, our spirit meant for harm. God was able to take in my life and has been able to use it to bless others.


Daniel King(17:16):

Well, thank you so much for sharing. I am just about to publish a book called proof. God is real, and my heart is to reach out to atheist with the good news of the gospel. And so I’m so delighted to hear your testimony of how you went from atheism to Jesus, from darkness to light, what a tremendous testimony it is. And mr. Dan, thank you so much for being on the podcast. Wonderful life. It is.


The post Dan Corse | How Does an Atheist Become a Christian? appeared first on King Ministries | Evangelist Daniel King | Our Goal? Every Soul!.
