King Ministries Canada

King Ministries Canada is a registered charity with the Canadian government. Jessica King is a Canadian citizen and she is the President of King Ministries Canada. KMC operates with a separate and independent Canadian board.
Every year we send out tax receipts to all our Canadian donors.
King Ministries Canada
PO Box 3401
Morinville, Alberta T8R 1S3 Canada
Product Hotline: 1-877-431-4276
What are Canadian Ministers Saying About Daniel & Jessica King?
“I am on the board of King Ministries Canada. We love Daniel & Jessica King. We are so thankful for their ministry. We have traveled with them in the past in doing some of their ministry work. We believe in what God is doing through them and in them in such a time as this in this world. We encourage you to support King Ministries and the great work Daniel & Jessica are doing.” – Pastor Greg Fraser – The Father’s House Church
“What a privilege is has been to know Daniel & Jessica King. They are two incredible cutting edge leaders. We have known them for over fifteen years. They are a great blessing to our fellowship at Minister’s Network Canada and also to the Kingdom of God. We highly endorse the two of them. They are anointed and appointed for this season to the Glory of God.” – Pastor Rick Ciaramitaro – Ministers Network Canada
“It was a joy for us to meet Daniel & Jessica King a number of years ago. We had them fellowship and speak and minister to our church family. We were so blessed and impressed with their sincerity and their heart cry for God’s blessing on this world and the Gospel they are preaching all over the world is working in the hearts of so many people. We are happy to recommend them as bonafide, Godly ministers of the Gospel. You will be blessed to welcome them to your community.” – Fellowship Pastor Glen Forsberg – Fellowship of Christian Assemblies
“I know Daniel & Jessica King. I love their heart for evangelism. I love their passion and the resources they fuel the body with. I am thankful for what they are doing worldwide. – Travis Holownia – Resurgence Initiatives
“I had the privilege of traveling to Caico, Brazil with Dr. Daniel King. I was so impressed with his studious nature as he studied for his doctorate. He was meticulous at carrying for souls. I learned so much from him. It was a pleasure to meet him and work with him and see his heart and his passion for souls. It was a blessing to get to know Daniel & Jessica King. Their ministry is doing great things throughout the world.” – Pastor Brad Mayer – Canadian Fire Missions
“I would like to recommend Daniel & Jessica King of King Ministries Canada. I’ve known Jessica for twenty years as we have been doing life together in the town of Morinville. Daniel is an amazing evangelist and preacher. I love their family and everything they are doing. Make sure to support them any way you can.” – Jocelyn Hansen – Fusion Canada
“I’ve known Daniel & Jessica King for a number of years and would highly recommend them to anybody. They are great people. You are going to enjoy them and you are going to enjoy what they share as well.” – John Kingma, Life Church in St. Albert, AB
“The harvest is ripe, the Lord is ready, the time is now. I encourage you to listen to The Evangelism Podcast. Share it with other who have a burden to lead others to Christ through the Good News. You will be informed, equipped, trained, and encouraged. You will learn so much and I have learned. Make sure you follow Daniel King on social media. – Filipe Drummond – Last Harvest Evangelistic Association
“I’ve known Jessica King since she was a little girl. I support them, their mission, their call. I encourage you to get on board.” – Esther Bucher
“Listen to the Evangelism Podcast with Daniel King…He champions evangelism!” – Paul Fraser, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
“If you’re interested in growing your church, you need to check out The Evangelism Podcast” – John Albiston, Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada