The word, “transformation” means “a sudden and complete change.”
Let me give you some examples of transformation:
- When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.
- When winter becomes spring.
- When night becomes day.
I have experienced transformation in my life.
- When I left my family to go to college.
– Laundry, food, waking up in the morning,
- When I got married.
- When our first child was born.
What happens when a family is transformed?
- A man stops drinking and starts providing for his family.
- A wife stops complaining and starts to show love to her family.
- A child stops rebelling and starts obeying.
When the family unravels, the whole nation can unravel.
What happens when a nation is transformed? Righteousness exalts the nation.
- Poverty decreases and prosperity increases.
- Violence decreases and peace increases.
- Hopelessness decreases and opportunity increases.
- Corruption decreases and servanthood increases.
- People stop taking and start giving.
My father experienced transformation in his life. His life changed when he met Jesus.
Zacchaeus’ Life was Transformed in One Day – Luke 19:1-10
- Short
- Chief Tax Collector
- Rich
- Sinner who cheated people.
Jesus knows your name
Jesus wants to eat with you.
How was his life transformed?
- He calls Jesus “Lord.”
- He pledges to give away his wealth
In response to this amazing act of repentance and generosity, Jesus says “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham…”
Where does transformation begin?
– Transformation begins in your heart.
– If you change, your family can be changed.
– If you change, your nation can be transformed.
Evangelist Daniel King, D.Min is on a mission to lead people to Jesus. He has visited over seventy nations preaching good news and he has led over two million people in a salvation prayer. He is often called “The Evangelism Coach.” To support King Ministries in our quest for souls, click here!